15 Lyncis, also known as Cait, is a F class white star located in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in Federation space, 10 light years outside the territory of the Tholian Assembly[4]. It is visible from Earth in the Lynx constellation. It has at least one planet, Cait. (ST references: Star Trek Maps, The Worlds of the Federation, Star Charts)
Treaty boundary star charts showed 15 Lyncis to be in the general vicinity of Ariannus and Beta Canopus within quadrant 0 near the border to quadrant 2. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)
Starfleet Intelligence sector 2 star charts denoted it to be in the general vicinity of Calgary, Indarax, and Theta VII at coordinates 1.80N 2.16E. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation reported that 15 Lyncis was orbited by four planets, FASA RPG module: The Federation 12 planets, and ST website: StarTrek.com two planets, but all agreed that Cait was its only inhabitable planet.
- The real-world 15 Lyncis is a binary star composed of a G8 and a F8 star.
In 2298, the Tholian Assembly rescheduled a diplomatic meeting with the Federation to the 15 Lyncis system. The USS Excelsior accelerated to warp nine to rendezvous with the Tholian flagship Jeb'v Tholis on time. (TLE novel: The Sundered)
Stars, systems and objects of the Lynx constellation |
15 Lyncis • 38 Lyncis • 492 Lyncis |
- ST reference: Star Trek Maps
- FASA RPG module: The Federation
- FASA RPG module: Trader Captains and Merchant Princes, 1st edition
- ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation
- ST reference: Star Charts
- ↑ ST reference: Star Trek Maps
- ↑ FASA RPG module: The Federation
- ↑ ST reference: Star Charts
- ↑ TLE novel: The Sundered Page 6: Sulu nodded. He recalled the position of the 15 Lyncis system from his decades of helm duty. It lay a good ten lightyears outside of the vast, meandering volume of space claimed and defended by the extremely xenophobic Tholians.