Events which occurred on the 1st of May.
- 1707
- The Kingdom of Great Britain is founded with the signing of the 1707 Act of Union, uniting England (including Wales) and Scotland.
- 1880
- Arizona's Tombstone Epitaph newspaper publishes its first issue.
- 1904
- Composer Antonín Dvořák dies.
- 1931
- New York City's Empire State Building officially opens.
- 1941
- Orson Welles' masterpiece Citizen Kane debuts.
- 2053
- World War III begins on Earth. Nearly half a billion people are killed when the Eastern Coalition launches a nuclear first strike against major North American and European cities, combined with a simultaneous Interface viral assault against the New United Nations computer infrastructure. Flint is "killed" during the bombing of New York City. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds"; TLE novel: The Sundered, TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "The Immortality Blues").
- Mestral and Zefram Cochrane travel to Bozeman, Montana to partner with Lily Sloane and build Cochrane's prototype warp engine. (ENT - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Mestral")
- 2160
- Romulans attack Draylax using the same warp-speed kamikaze run that was employed at Coridan Prime and Galorndon Core, causing massive fires and volcanic eruptions all over the planet. Over a billion Draylaxians are killed. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm)
- 2349
- USS Enterprise-E hazard team leader Alexander Munro is born, and in an alternate reality, USS Voyager hazard team member Alexandria Munro is born. (VOY video game: Elite Force)
Calendar of publication and production[]
- 1971
- TOS comic: "Key Witness" continues with the 3rd installment, in TV21 Weekly, Issue 84.
- 1980
- The 54th installment of TOS comic: "The Real McCoy" is published in daily newspapers by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
- 1981
- The 6th installment of TOS comic: "The Savage Within" is published.
- 1982
- The 62nd installment of TOS comic: "The Wristwatch Plantation" is published.
- 1989
- TNG episode: "Pen Pals" airs (week of).
- 1994
- DS9 episode: "The Maquis" airs (week of).
- 1995
- DS9 episode: "The Die is Cast" and VOY episode: "Cathexis" air.
- 1997
- ST reference: Star Trek: The Original Series Sketchbook is published by Pocket Books.
- 2001
- ST anthology: Strange New Worlds IV is published.
- 2002
- ENT episode: "Vox Sola" airs.
- 2003
- VOY reference: Star Trek: Voyager Companion is published.
- 2007
- CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback is published.
External link[]
- 1 May article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.