This page details the years 2150-2199 according to the timeline presented in the Spaceflight Chronology.
- This reference date coincides with the mid-to-late 2210s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline used in canon.
It is determined that old Marshall-class destroyers must remain the Federation's first line of defense, for lack of replacement vessel designs. Starfleet engineers and mechanics see that they do. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2210s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2217 or 2218.
- reference stardate 1/5101.18
- A Federation free trader vessel, the Millie Sue, is disabled by an unidentified vessel. Starfleet rescuers chase off another vessel to rescue the stranded merchantman. Orion sources funneling information to Starfleet Intelligence indicate these are Klingon vessels. (FASA RPG module: The Klingons)
- reference stardate 1/5103.27
- Freeloader, the first major Orion-owned tradeworld in the Triangle, is settled. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)
- reference stardate 1/5105.2
- A new threat to galactic peace makes itself evident when the USS Sentry becomes the first Federation Starfleet vessel to confront a warship from the Klingon Empire, the IKV Devisor, near Gamma Demetrius. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology; FASA RPG modules: The Four Years War, The Federation)
- According to the Star Trek Chronology, this fateful meeting took place in canon year 2218.
- This reference date coincides with the late 2210s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2217 or 2218.
Sutorox of Vulcan steps down from the presidency of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/5201
- The Federation's largest propulsion and weaponry firing facility, the Arcturus Test Range, at Arcturus, begins operations. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology; FASA RPG modules: The Four Years War, The Federation)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2210s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2217 or 2218.
Paula Christenson of Earth assumes the presidency of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
The USS Valiant, in the final year of a five-year mission to explore new worlds, is lost in the vicinity of the planet Vendikar's star system. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology; FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- According to the Star Trek Chronology, this ship was lost in canon year 2217.
Romulans (or so it was reported) raid a Klingon colony convoy, extinguishing the Rustazh line. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
The Baker's World colony is founded, forming the center of what will become the Triangle's largest independent government. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2210s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2219.
One of the most intensive efforts in Federation history results in the Mann-class, the first starship to surpass warp 4. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the beginning of the 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2220.
The Kepler series probe USS Orpheus becomes the first probe to successfully transmit data as it descends into a black hole. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2221.
The impregnable Rickenbacker-class "Flying Fortress" enters service. These huge ships will carry the Federation's most valuable cargo in the safest way ever devised. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2222.
The Provider-class USS Muletrain enters service. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- reference stardate 1/5708
- A back-to-Earth movement is proclaimed involving people of Earth descent who claim space exploration and expansion has gone far enough. (FASA RPG modules: The Four Years War, The Federation)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2223.
Paula Christenson of Earth steps down from the presidency of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
Because of the failure of the Tritium-class, concern for our defense capability results in the building of an advanced prototype battlecruiser. This ship doesn't become part of the fleet, but many of its improvements do. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2224.
Petra Menliss of Alpha Centauri assumes the presidency of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2225.
Vrenn is adopted by Kethas epetai Khemara. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- reference stardate 1/6003.04
- A "Flying Fortress" becomes victim of the largest space-jacking to date. A cunning plan by the Klingons is initially successful, but soon fails because of this ship's automatic distress alarm. (FASA RPG modules: The Four Years War, Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation Sourcebook)
- reference stardate 1/6009
- Starfleet Intelligence creates an administration for the Starfleet Intelligence Klingon sector. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation Sourcebook)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2226.
Billion ton super-convoys begin plying trade routes, saving industry trillions of credits and years in travel time. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2227.
Prototype of Starfleet's first military carrier, the largest ship to date, is built. Over the next several years many changes are made before it enters service. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2228.
The surprising strength of the "Back-to-Earth" movement creates heated debate on both sides of the issue. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2228.
Petra Menliss of Alpha Centauri steps down from the presidency of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
Very expensive civilian interstellar pleasure craft become available; if you have to ask the price, you can't afford one. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
Kethas epetai Khemara dies. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2220s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2229.
- Largest spacelift in history evacuates ten million inhabitants from Bayard's Planet. The planet is in the path of the expanding Phi Puma stellar explosion whose shock wave will destroy it. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- Suzanne Forrestor is born. (FASA RPG module: Return to Axanar)
- This reference date coincides with the 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2230.
- reference stardate 1/6601
- Kailla Mishka is born in the Klingon Empire. As the result of a Klingon-Human experiment in genetic fusion, he appears to be nearly completely Human. The emperor decrees that the experiment's success will involving passing Kailla as a Human to infiltrate Starfleet. (FASA RPG module: The Strider Incident)
- reference stardate 1/6608
- The incorporation of colony Theta VII makes the world the 500th member planet of the Federation. The UFP is growing so large that only major grievances can be dealt with properly, a source of concern among some members. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2231.
The beautiful, exotic water world is discovered by the USS Poseidon. It is the first and last time the planet is not inundated with Federation personnel on R&R.
- This reference date coincides with the early 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2232.
To celebrate 50 years in business, the Cultural Exchange Project puts on a Federation-wide fair that will long be remembered.
- This reference date coincides with the early 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2233.
The huge CR-594 construction rig permits a small fleet of star-ships to be constructed at one time. This efficient building method will save millions of credits.
- This reference date coincides with the early 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2234.
- The fastest ship to date, the Baton Rouge-class, becomes part of Starfleet. Maximum cruising velocity is warp 4.8. [citation needed]
- IKV Fencer departs Klinzhai, bound for Earth. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- Teeko kal Lieu is born. (FASA RPG module: Return to Axanar)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2235.
Physicist Richard Daystrom revolutionizes computer theory with duotronics, a way of processing information concerning every atom in the galaxy.
The IKV Fencer arrives in Federation space and is escorted to Earth. It departs carrying the Federation's first ambassador to the Klingon Empire, Dr. Emanuel Tagore. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-to-late 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2236.
Disapproval with the inner workings of the Federation hierarchy causes more and more members to voice objections to the present structure.
Ambassador Tagore arrives at Klinzhai and begins his diplomatic duties. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2237.
Sheri Desjardin is born. (FASA RPG module: Return to Axanar)
- This reference date coincides with the late 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2238.
The transporter becomes a reality as the first experiment using a human subject is successful.
- This reference date coincides with the late 2230s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2239.
Continued discord with UFP policy is crippling the Federation's economic strength and threatens its ability to provide the highest level of security to all members.
Admiral Luther Whitetree dies. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- This reference date coincides with the 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2240.
- At the Rigel XII Mining complex, an obscure crystal called dilithium is found to contain properties that will revolutionize warp mechanics. [citation needed]
- Ambassador Tagore leaves Klinzhai aboard IKV Mirror to attend the Babel Conference. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- Cabot Erhaftlich is born. (FASA RPG module: Return to Axanar)
- This reference date coincides with the 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2240.
- Maxwell Grandisson III dies in Atlanta.
- Starfleet Chief of Staff Marcus van Diemen dies en route to the Babel Conference. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
- reference stardate 1/7701
- The UFP's most difficult stardates occur at the Babel Conference when a resolution is introduced to dissolve the Federation, cooler heads prevail and the crisis is resolved.
- reference stardate 1/7703
- The Federation's unusually small, non-dilithium-powered Hale-class scout enters Starfleet service. Easy to build, this is the beginning of a series of 130 vessels. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2241.
The introduction of an advanced space trawler class makes it much easier for remote bases and outposts to receive needed raw materials.
- This reference date coincides with the early 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2241.
R&D improvements in subspace radio enable transmissions to reach the velocity of warp 20.[citation needed]
- E. Gates, E. Winters and E. Sonderman are born. (FASA RPG module: Decision at Midnight)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2242.
- O. Adams, F. Fellows, J. Whiram, A. Peters, V. Evans, T. Forini, X. Horin and S. Stewart are born. (FASA RPG module: Decision at Midnight)
- This reference date coincides with the early 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2242.
Recent great strides in science and technology are an important reason why many planets now have an optimistic outlook on the future.
reference stardate 1/8108.1
Kloratis Drives is founded on Tellar.
- This reference date coincides with the early 2240s decade in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2243.
- Construction begins on the largest class of ships to date, the Constitution-class. [citation needed]
- Phernillia O'Hara is born. (FASA RPG module: Return to Axanar)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2240s in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2243.
The M-1 computer, using the advanced technology of duotronics, is designed; its many flaws result in this prototype being extensively revised.
- May 10
- Commander George Kirk composes a letter to his sons on Earth, shortly before being relocated from Starbase 2 to an emergency assignment as first officer of the Constitution-class prototype. (TOS novel: Final Frontier)
- reference stardate 1/84
- In the largest space rescue ever, Voyager-class USS Deerslayer helps to recover 600 passengers and crew from unexplored sector. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
- reference stardate 1/8606
- Dilithium crystals are integrated into a new generation of warp engines capable of greater velocity, range and thrust. The Sawyer-class scouts commissioned on reference stardate 1/8606 are the first ships to incorporate these engines.
- reference stardate 1/8611
- The Klingon K't'agga-class D7A cruiser enters service, and is the only variant of the D7-class to see service during the Four Years War. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
In recent years, many of the problems that have plagued the UFP have been solved. The Federation enters its second century stronger than ever.
- reference stardate 1/8704
- The mark I configuration Anton-class research cruiser enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8801
- The mark I configuration Constitution-class cruiser begins flights as the largest, most powerful series ever built by Starfleet, and is the Federation's major series of the 23rd century. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Larson and USS Midway enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8802
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Coral Sea enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8803
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Tannenberg and USS Trafalgar enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8804
- The mark I configuration Nelson-class scout USS Nelson enters service. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Thelenth enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8806
- The USS Farragut enters service. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Waterloo enters service. (TOS reference: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8807
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Borodino, USS Austerlitz and USS Normandy enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8810
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Marathon and USS Pharsalus enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8903
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Poitiers and USS Agincourt enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8906
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Blenheim enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8908
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Torgau enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8909
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Eylau enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/8910
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Crécy, USS Leyte and USS Leipzig enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2240s in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2245.
The Federation's Constitution-class cruiser mark I configuration enters active service after shakedowns. (ST reference: Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise)
- According to the Star Trek Chronology, this event took place in the canon year 2245.
The Loknar-class of Federation frigate starship is commissioned with the lead vessel, USS Loknar, entering Starfleet service on reference stardate 1/9010. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2240s in the primary Star Trek timeline, around the year 2246.
The Mann class is retired.
- T. Carman is born. (FASA RPG module: Decision at Midnight)
- The USS Ajax is destroyed and turned into a comet. Her remains are later discovered by the USS Brahe under Captain Peter Sullivan. (TOS reference: Spaceflight Chronology)
The Four Years War between the Federation and Klingon Empire/Axanar Alliance begins. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
- reference stardate 1/9410
- According to after-action revelations, Starfleet Intelligence learns that this date was the beginning of massed Klingon fleets leaving Klingon space, bound for unexplored territory near the Federation's outer borders. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
- Klingon ships already located near the Klingon-Federation border spark the Battle of Andromeda, centered at the Andromeda system. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
- Starbase 15's shipbuilding facilities are completed. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
- reference stardate 1/9412.18
- In the Triangle, the Orion Frontier Merchants Association declares independent status from the Orion homeworlds, so that they may trade with both the UFP and the Klingon Empire. (FASA RPG module: bd)
- reference stardate 1/9412.25
- The Affiliation of Outer Free Worlds is created as a joint venture between the ruling governments of New New Aberdeen and Baker's World. Six representatives from nearby colony worlds attended the talks and mediation, eventually signing a mutual protection treaty, forming the beginning of Baker's Dozen. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)
- reference stardate 1/9501
- Starfleet awards the Andorian Battle Star for the first time. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)
- The Federation's Hale-class scout is removed from military duty in the Four Years War after performing unsatisfactorily in Starfleet combat service. (TOS reference: The Four Years War)
- reference stardate 1/9503.21
- The Affiliation of Outer Free Worlds is formed in the Triangle sector as an attempt to protect border planets from being caught in Federation-Klingon aggression. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)
- reference stardate 1/9506
- Captain Christopher Pike takes command of the USS Enterprise. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- According to the Star Trek Chronology, this took place in canon year 2251.
- This reference date coincides with the mid-2250s in the primary Star Trek timeline used in canon.
- reference stardate 1/9603
- Captain Christopher Pike's USS Enterprise visits Talos IV, and the planet is placed under General Order 7 quarantine. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- According to the Star Trek Chronology, this took place in canon year 2254.
- reference stardate 1/9606
- Klingon Riskadh-class starships first enter service. (FASA RPG module: Klingon Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9611
- Klingon Admiral Kamato fails in an attempted coup d'état of the Klingon Empire. He retreats with his sizable forces to the Triangle sector. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)
- reference stardate 1/9701
- The Federation's Fenlon-class monitor mark II configuration enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9702
- The mark II configuration Anton-class research cruiser enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9709.10
- The Imperial Klingon States are formed by Admiral Kamato. The two founding planets are K'Linsann and Kinarra. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)
Warren Quinland of Earth assumes the presidency of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9801
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Palo Alto, USS Scott, USS Rommell, USS Bolivar, USS San Martin, USS Boyaca and USS Dewey enter service. The USS Tokyo is destroyed. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Mjorn and USS Alondra enter service. The mark II configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Lactra, USS London and USS Deneva Ra enter service. The USS Carinae II, USS Deneb Clar, USS Thebes and USS de Tourville are destroyed the Four Years War. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9802
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Lee and USS Grant enter service. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Opkapi and USS Sydney are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark II configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Izar and USS Titan enter service. The USS Alaric and USS Scott are destroyed in the Four Years War. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9803
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Moltke and USS Nakhimov enter service. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Moscow is refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Carinae V and USS Argelia enter service. The USS Boyaca is destroyed in the Four Years War. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9804
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Crécy, USS Gettysburg, USS Salamis, USS Lutzen and USS Hannibal are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Rome, USS Halk, USS Ilyra, USS Mjorn, USS Peking, USS Daran V and USS Mjorn are refitted to the mark II configuration. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9805
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Borodino, USS Torgau, USS Gallipoli and USS Jauhur are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Balaklava enters service. The USS Alondra is destroyed in the Four Years War. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9806
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Trafalgar, USS Thelenth, USS Cortez, USS Bradley and USS Palo Alto are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Dreyfus enters service. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Berlin is refitted to the mark II configuration. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9806.13
- The Four Years War ends as Klingon and Federation dignitaries meet at the Axanar Peace Mission, signing the Treaty of Axanar. (FASA RPG modules: The Four Years War, Star Fleet Intelligence Manual, bd)
- reference stardate 1/9807
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Leyte, USS Corregidor, USS Napoleon and USS Murat are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Loknar is refitted to the mark II configuration. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9808
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Jutland, USS Thermopylae, USS Rommell and USS San Martin are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Mahdi enters service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9809
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Garbo, USS Liu Pang, USS Pendragon, USS Hideyoshi and USS Bolivar are refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Rorkes Drift and the mark II configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Rhea enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9810
- The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Trantis is refitted to the mark II configuration. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9811
- The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Semmes and the mark II configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Helios enter service. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9812
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Shiloh is refitted to the mark II configuration. The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Chief Joseph enters service. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Epcot and USS Carinae V are refitted to the mark II configuration. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9901 to 1/9905
- Starfleet begins a large-scale decommissioning project, removing many obsolete cruisers, destroyers and scouts from service. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9901
- The mark I configuration Constitution-class cruiser USS Bismark enters service. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Poitiers, USS Castinian, USS Xerxes, USS Babur, USS Lafayette and USS Tecumseh are refitted to mark II specifications. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Ahkeil and USS Mordensia are refitted to mark II specifications. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9902.28
- Multiplanet Metals, Inc. is founded as publicly traded company as a result of a government-supported merger of several smaller mining companies on the planet Tellar. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9903
- General Order 1 is suspended in contact being made with the inhabitants of planet Axanar, newly liberated from the Klingon Empire. With the Axanar Culture Mission beginning to study the damage done to sociological fabric of the Axanar civilization, the planet is made a Federation protectorate, with a petition for membership slated for reference stardate 2/49. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9903
- The mark I configuration Constitution-class cruiser USS Yamato and the mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Hindenburg enter service. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Blenheim, USS Chou and USS Xenophon are refitted to mark II specifications. The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Hindenburg enters service. The USS Gaikos is lost. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9904
- A relocation project is completed as the last of many Klingon settlers are moved off planets that were ceded to the Federation after the Treaty of Axanar. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9904
- The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigates USS Aldebaran and USS Ekos are refitted to the Mark II configuration. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9905
- Following the Treaty of Axanar, the Zone of Transport Escort is lifted and free trade resumes along contested Federation borders. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9905
- Starfleet begins research into transwarp theory. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- reference stardate 1/9906
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Alexander is refitted to mark II specifications. The mark I configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Farside is refitted to mark II specifications. The mark II configuration Loknar-class frigate USS Capor Bana enters service (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9907
- The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Foch enters service. The mark I configuration Larson destroyer USS Guadalcanal is refitted to mark II specifications. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9908
- The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Pershing enters service. The mark I configuration Larson destroyer USS Charlemagne is refitted to mark II specifications. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9909
- The mark I configuration Constitution-class cruiser USS Kongo and the mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Nicholas enter service. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Tannenberg and USS Marathon are refitted to mark II specifications. The USS Waterloo and USS Orleans are recorded destroyed. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9910
- The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Genghis Khan, USS Blake, USS Von Blucher and USS Hastings are refitted to mark II specifications. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9911
- The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Sun Tzu and USS Constantine are refitted to mark II specifications. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
- reference stardate 1/9912
- The mark II configuration Larson-class destroyer USS Kermal enters service. The mark I configuration Larson-class destroyers USS Agincourt, USS Justinian, USS Adolphus and USS Ramses are refitted to mark II specifications. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
Spaceflight Chronology Timeline | ![]() |
1980-1999 SFC • 2000-2049 SFC • 2050-2099 SFC • 2100-2149 SFC • 2150-2199 SFC • 2200-2249 SFC • 2250-2299 SFC • 2300 SFC • 2301 SFC • 2302 SFC • 2303 SFC |