51 Pegasi or Helvetios was a binary star consisting of two type G yellow stars.
History and specifics[]
51 Pegasi was located near the Helaspont Nebula in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant and visible from Earth in the constellation of Pegasus. (ST reference: Star Charts)
The Helvetios vicinity was in neutral space unclaimed by major governments, located at coordinates -4446, -6. The system contained parsteel and tritanium deposits. (ST video game: Fleet Command)
- The system has an ID code of 1172806400 in the game software and the player is likely to encounter a Pakled thief here.
System makeup[]
- Helvetios system binary star (51 Pegasi A / 51 Pegasi B)
- 51 Pegasi I
- 51 Pegasi II
- 51 Pegasi III
- 51 Pegasi IV
- 51 Pegasi V (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide)
- Lezuboy (ST video game: Fleet Command)
- Zakel (ST video game: Fleet Command)
Stars, systems and objects of the Pegasus constellation |
51 Pegasi • Delta Pegasi (Alpha Andromedae: Alferaz A, Hajj) • Epsilon Pegasi • Pegasus Minor • Sigma Pegasi (Gavaria) • Theta Pegasi (Baham) • Xi Pegasi (Neethia) |
- ST reference: Star Charts
- ST video game: Fleet Command
- Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide