"A Man Alone" is the 4th episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in the show's first season, first aired during the week of 17 January 1993. The episode was written by Michael PillerMA and Gerald StanfordMA and directed by Paul LynchMA. Odo becomes a murder suspect when an old adversary is found killed. Meanwhile, Keiko O'Brien sets up a school on the space station.
In Quark's bar, Odo notices a man called Ibudan, who he orders to leave the space station at once. Ibudan is later found murdered and a Bajoran who talked to Ibudan before his death claims that Odo is the culprit. Sisko is forced to relieve Odo of his duties when Bajoran residents express their concerns, although they eventually become an unruly mob. Meanwhile, Bashir discovers a generic sample with traces of DNA that Ibudan appeared to have been experimenting with and discovers that Ibudan had made a clone of himself who he then murdered to implicate Odo. Odo finds the original Ibudan on a docked at Bajoran vessel and arrests him.
Elsewhere, Keiko sets up a school that Jake and Nog will be among the pupils of. Bashir thinks that he has a romantic rival for Jadzia's affections but Sisko corrects him and states that he and Dax are only friends.
- Altman ⢠Julian Bashir ⢠Broik ⢠Graham Davis ⢠Jadzia Dax ⢠Ibudan ⢠Ibudan (clone) ⢠Kallis Ven ⢠Kira Nerys ⢠Morn ⢠Nalan Bal ⢠Nog ⢠Keiko O'Brien ⢠Miles O'Brien ⢠Molly O'Brien ⢠Odo ⢠Quark ⢠Rinnak Pire ⢠Rom ⢠Benjamin Sisko ⢠Jake Sisko ⢠Yevir Linjarin ⢠Zayra
- Referenced only
- Ahern ⢠Curzon Dax ⢠Gocke ⢠Moudakis ⢠Rhern ⢠Della Santina ⢠Joseph Sisko ⢠Zarro
- Deep Space 9 (Infirmary ⢠Operations center ⢠Promenade ⢠Quark's ⢠School ⢠Station commander's office)
- Referenced only
- Alderaan ⢠Alderaan Spaceport ⢠Bajor ⢠Bajoran wormhole ⢠Gamma Quadrant ⢠Korris I ⢠Kran-Tobal prison ⢠Transit Aid Center ⢠Yadozi Desert
Starships and vehicles[]
- Referenced only
- USS Enterprise
Races and cultures[]
- Referenced only
- Cardassian ⢠Excalbian ⢠Horta ⢠Old Ones ⢠Ruji ⢠Vulcan
States and organizations[]
- Referenced only
- Bajoran Resistance
Science and classification[]
- Altonian brain teaser ⢠bioregenerative field ⢠chromatin ⢠chromosome ⢠clone ⢠cloning ⢠DNA ⢠holosuite ⢠seofurane/seofurance ⢠subspace teleconference
- Denebian slime devil ⢠Garanian bolite ⢠tribble ⢠Regulan bloodworm
Other references[]
- arboretum ⢠azna ⢠black market ⢠botany ⢠champagne ⢠dabo ⢠jazz ⢠Karo-Net ⢠Klingon opera ⢠Lauriento massage holoprogram 101A ⢠Neural parasite ⢠Occupation of Bajor ⢠Odo's pail ⢠Rujian steeplechase ⢠school bell ⢠tennis ⢠regeneration
Related media[]
Video releases[]
- Jake and Nog meet for the first time in this episode. Their meeting was to have occurred during "Emissary" and is depicted in the novelization.
- Keiko and Molly appear in the series for the first time in this episode. Keiko sets up the school, which is later seen in several first season episodes.
- Odo's bucket is seen for the first time.
- Ibudan is mentioned again in the novel The Siege and in the comic "Old Wounds.
- The illustrations in the school of the species seen in Star Trek: The Original Series are from the Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual.
Notable cast and crew[]
- Avery Brooks as Benjamin Sisko
- Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys
- Rene Auberjonois as Odo
- Terry Farrell as Dax
- Alexander Siddig as Julian Bashir
- Armin Shimerman as Quark
- Max GrodĂŠnchik as Rom
- Aron Eisenberg as Nog
- Judi M. Durand as the Cardassian computer voice
published order | ||
Previous episode: Emissary |
Star Trek episode produced | Next episode: Past Prologue |
Previous episode: Past Prologue |
Star Trek episode aired | Next episode: Babel |
chronological order | ||
Previous Adventure: Guises of the Mind |
Next Adventure: Pathways Chapter 2, Sections 13-14 | |
Previous Adventure: Past Prologue |
Star Trek | Next Adventure: Babel |
External links[]
- "A Man Alone" article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- A Man Alone (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.