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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Acamar.

Acamar (also known as Theta Eridani)[1] is a star system composed of two class A stars that appear as one when viewed from Earth, 120 or so light-years away. (ST website: lists Acamar as being "50-60 light-years from Sol." The Last Unicorn RPG module: Planets of the UFP indicates that the Acamar system has only one star.

History and specifics[]

In 2275, the USS Enterprise was en-route to the Acamar system, before the starship was ambushed by eight Klingon battlecruisers. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky)

In 2366, the USS Enterprise-D entered the system to track down the Gatherers, a group of Acamarians that had attacked several Federation outposts. (TNG episode: "The Vengeance Factor")

Around 2374, Sovereign Marouk promoted membership in the Federation. (Last Unicorn module: Planets of the UFP)

When Commander Tuvok of the USS Titan investigated the Borg attacks of 2381, he noticed that they had all occurred on the border between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, stretching between the Acamar and Ramatis systems. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night)

In February of that year, a fleet of Borg cubes coming from the Azure Nebula targeted every inhabited system on their way to Earth, and laid waste to Acamar III. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)



Star chart showing Acamar.

In 2368, Theta Eridani[2] was home to the unaligned Acamarian people. (TNG episode: "The Vengeance Factor")

In 2378, the system was in or near Federation territory, in the general vicinity of the Azure Nebula. (ST reference: Star Charts)

By 2409, the Acamar system remained independent but was surrounded by territory claimed and patrolled by the fledgling Romulan Republic. In that year, Subcommander Mivek asked the Romulan Republican Force and the allied partners to patrol the system. (STO - New Romulus mission: "Tau Dewa Sector Patrol (Daily)")

The patrol mediated between the Acamarian clan leader and the Acamarian clan rebel. The rebel complained about some clans being pushed to the moons and outer planets of the system for operations. A Tal Shiar squadron revealed itself upon the successful mediation when they failed to instigate internecine conflict, and the Acamarians and Allies defeated the agitators. (STO - Tau Dewa Sector Patrol (Daily) mission: "Acamar System Patrol")

Planets and local bodies[]



Stars, systems and objects of the Eridanus constellation
1 Eridani (Tau-1 Eridani)3 Eridani (Azha, Eta Eridani)13 Eridani (Zibal, Zeta Eridani)14 Eridani18 Eridani (Delta Orcus, Toredar, Epsilon Eridani)23 Eridani (Rana, Delta Eridani)34 Eridani (Gamma Eridani, Zaurak)38 Eridani (Beid, Omicron-1 Eridani)40 Eridani (Keid, Omicron-2 Eridani, Vulcanis)59 Eridani67 Eridani (Cursa, Beta Eridani)82 Eridani88 Eridani198 EridaniAlpha Eridani (Achernar)Beta Eridani (Cursa, 67 Eridani)Chi Eridani (Caleb, Kaleb)Delta Eridani (Rana, 23 Eridani)Epsilon Eridani (Delta Orcus, Toredar, 18 Eridani)Eta Eridani (Azha, 3 Eridani)Gamma Eridani (34 Eridani, Zaurak)Iota EridaniOmicron-1 Eridani (Beid, 38 Eridani)Omicron-2 Eridani (Keid, 40 Eridani, Vulcanis)p EridaniTau-1 Eridani (1 Eridani)Tau Eridani CloudTheta Eridani (Acamar)Zaurak (34 Eridani, Gamma Eridani)Zeta Eridani (Zibal, 13 Eridani)
Tau Dewa sector block
Azure sector Acamar (Theta Eridani) (Acamar Prime, Acamar III) • Azure NebulaCarraya (Carraya IV) • Japori (Japori II) • Jouret (Jouret IV, Dyson sphere gateway) • Khitomer (Khitomer) • Suliban/Suliban system (Suliban Helix) • Virinat (Virinat)
Narendra sector Archer (Archer IV) • Galorndon Core (Galorndon Core) • Gamma Eridon (Gamma Eridon II) • Gasko (Gasko II, Gasko Station) • Narendra (Narendra III) • Nequencia (Nequencia colony) • Pheben (Pheben III, Pheben V)
Nimbus sector Beta Lankal (Beta Lankal (planet), Beta Lankal (planetoid)) • Beta Thoridor (Beta Thoridor) • Chaltok (Chaltok IV) • Gamma Crateris (Crateris colony) • Dewa (Dewa III ~ New Romulus ~ DiWahn) • Nimbus (Nimbus III) • Starbase 234 (Starbase 234 system)
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (A)
AaladAarakAarraAbakirAbalmaAbassaAbdadiAbelAberrizAbessiaAboiraAbraxasAbrenaAbroraAbroxAb'vekAbyss AlphaAccellusAchillonAcibenAdigeonAdonoloAdraAd'rethAdrian's BaneAd'vethAecupusAeonAerieAerimeaAesaAesirAesuriAetisanAexixAfebraAfervaAflorAfritalisAgbarAgiirratAgricoAhadiAhzdarAia'vadiAiligAinAinaroAindiaAin'TokAirolaAitiAjoraAkemoraAkersAkirenAlabasterAlactiAladfarAladsoAlakAlamedusAlannahAlarisAlastorAlatumAlcyoneAlderamAlderaminAldhanAlelaAlephAleraAlexisianAleydaAlfas DucatAlfin-BernardAlfirkAlforAlfrAlgeridaAlgeronAlilaAliothAlkaluropsAlkukAllendonAlmedoAlmeisanAlmekanAlnathAlnitakAlonsoAlorinaAlpha AldissAlpha ArietisAlpha AtaruAlpha BaratisAlpha CorandaAlpha DarwinAlpha DemetriusAlpha EmoriAlpha Epsilon TauriAlpha EquuleiAlpha FeronisAlpha HeliosAlpha HonorusAlpha HydrosAlpha ImvoriAlpha Is'tekAlpha KirikiAlpha KratoniiAlpha LeporisAlpha Min'rothAlpha MaluriaAlpha Marak 272Alpha NarniaAlpha NemvadiAlpha NexusAlpha NimorraAlpha OmicronAlpha OrionisAlpha OrtelinaAlpha ParnaculonAlpha PerseiAlpha QuarramAlpha SarpeidonAlpha ShiroAlpha SigmaAlpha TauAlpha Tel'rethAlpha TenoriAlpha ThetaAlpha TrimoraAlpha VarangisAlpha VegetisAlpha VergorisAlpha XaridianAlphaxAlsafiAltamidAltaneaAltanis IdrilonAltarAlthosAltorAludraAlulaAlvaradiAlvarkaAlyaAlycenAma DaraanAmalAmanaAmborisAmbrose's StarAmebisAmeldaAmi BeraAmmdonAmonAmpokAmpolisAmstarAmvadaAn DaraanAnaxaAnaxarAndraAndrade AbyssAndreaAndrekAndrocusAneldaAneziraAnkiAngosiaAnnobonAnrakAnretaAntasAntedeAntiacusAntideAntigoneAntiliosAntipathyAntonehkAntos VeriaAntrosAnzibarAparchaAphir'kethApniraApriliaApyraAquila ScorpiAr DaraanArachnaeAradaArakAralanAraliAraraArb'saArbutusArcadiaArcan-BetaArcanis MajorisArchernarArchibaldArdajiArdanArdanaAretianArgentomeaArgezArgonaArhenniusAriaAriaxAriannaAridanesAridiaArkabArkenArktoArloffArmusArnabArnebArnebiusArnosAroriArovenArrakisArtaleirhArtemisArvadaAsaraAsearaAsellusAshgraveAshiraAsiti AlphaAsiti BetaAskalifex's SorrowAskalonAsmidiskeAsnethAsta DaraanAstamanteAstareaAsteropeAstra BelAstra BoraAstra EndaAstra FaraAstra ImraAstra InaAstra JelraAstra JoraAstra KaldaAstra KolAstra LeraAstra MelvaAstra MentaAstra NorAstra PevraAstra RendraAstra VeldraAstra VinAstra YaraAstra YeraAstridaAtabisAtaliaAtalisAtana DaraanAtarviAtlasAtriaAtriusAtropiraAtryn'aucdetAugustus GammaAumoide PoreAuvaAveryAvanAvekAv'telAX AraeAxelotAxtoxAyelaAyin AlephAylus AlphaAylus BetaAytaAyvrenAzati PrimeAzedisAzentraAzinda the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (A) AaamazzaraAbilakk AlphaAbilakk BetaAchirdActriumAdhilAdia AlphaAdia BetaAegis AquilaAjirAl NathAlam'ak system (Alam'ak) • AlbireoAlcorAldhibainAlferaz (Alferaz AAlferaz B) • AlgolAlgiraAlkaidAlmachAlmathaAlpha Andromedae (Alpha Andromedae AAlpha Andromedae B) • Alpha AquariiAlpha AquilaeAlpha AurigaeAlpha BoötisAlpha Canum VenaticorumAlpha CamusAlpha Coronae BorealisAlpha CygniAlpha MajorisAlpha OphiuchiAlpha ProximaAlpha TrianguliAlpha Ursae MajorisAlpha ZariaAlpha-1 AndromedaeAlpha-2 AndromedaeAlpheccaAlpheratzAltairAmlethAnchaAndromedaAnkaroAnticaAntosAnzat AlphaAnzat BetaAokiiAquilaArawathArbazanArchariaArcturusArduriaArgayaArgusArtelineAscellaAtairAtikAureliaAvenal the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (A) AcamarAchernarAcruxAcubensAdaraAdelphousAdhaferaAdharaAelasAgenaAgornuAgurthaAjilonAkaaliAl NairAlchibahAldebaranAlgorabAlhenaAlkesAlnilamAlpha-2 CentauriAlpha CancriAlpha Canis MinorisAlpha Canis Majoris (Alpha Canis Majoris AAlpha Canis Majoris B) • Alpha CarinaeAlpha Centauri (Alpha Centauri AAlpha Centauri BAlpha Centauri C) • Alpha ChamaeleonisAlpha CirciniAlpha Comae BerenicesAlpha CorviAlpha CrucisAlpha CygniAlpha EridaniAlpha GeminorumAlpha GruisAlpha HydriAlpha LeonisAlpha MensaAlpha MonocerotisAlpha OniasAlpha PhoenicisAlpha PictorisAlpha PrimeAlpha ScorpiiAlpha VirginisAlpha VolantisAlpha ZetaAlphardAlshemaliAlterfAlungisAmarAmargosaAmiriiAndoriaAngelAnkaaAntaresArchanisArcherArgeliusArgelius BAridedAviorAxanarAzhaAzraga the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (T)
TabukTagusTahniva 311TajarhiTakanTakanarraTakoiTak'vorTaladiTalarTaldoraTalbotTalgatTaliTal'Ihnor GatesTalinTalithaTallusTalnaTalonTaloraTalquosTamarosTamborTamporaTanarTanarisTaniaTandorianTantalusTantamonTanugaTaojiTaosTaranTaranaTarandaTardalTareelTarettTarfTariaxTarilaTaris SetiTarletusTarnakTarquoleseTarsusTartanaTartarusTasoxTasusTau BetaTau GammaTau OmegaTau SerpentisTau ZetaTaureanTauro-34TautallusTauteeTaxakTaygetaTazTaziokTaziorT'BorT'DakkaTe AwamutuTechnisTedaraTejatTekianTekielTek'rethTelcosusTelepTellionTeloraTelumTeluridianTem DaraanTemarisTemaziTemirTenakTenaraTendarTendarriTenekratusTenberTeniiraTenorTera DaraanTera LaraTeranaTeranthTerazon-X31TerbaTerebTerellaTergaTerimTerminimurusTerofTeronTerratinTerrellianTervekTervellionTessmataTesumTeth'torvaTevronTewaTezel-OrokoTezionThabitThalakThaliaThallusThark-MorkolTharnosTharsisThasusThaxiusTheata LeonisThelonii system (Thelonii) • ThetaTheta 116Theta AnterialTheta BowlesTheta CobriniTheta CygniTheta GammaTheta MajorisTheta MarianaTheta MeesTheta PictorisTheta RillTheta TauThetalianThevosTholusThonolanThorian-VThoris AmarnisThranstorThraxThrazThrellviaThrishiaThubanTHX-1138Tia DaraanTiarenTib'vorTibaTibidexTiereniosTifelTiganTikopaiTiliulTimoniumTimorTimoreTimpekTim'pekTio'pekTir KapovTira DaraanTirianTirosTir'taraTitanTitaniasTithadiTizumT'KarT'LaniTlaoliT'lli BetaT'LorTNC-5527TokanTok'BhulTolforTolochonTolorTomanTomb of AnikalistesTomiraTomoraToolianToothy MawTorToradiTorgu-VaToridexTorinTor'ivaraTor'kenTorkorTorobToronaTorrtTortugaTorviirToskaToziuzTozoxTozronT'PorTragerTraklivTra'taraTrab'nethTrabianTrablarTraboxTramzonTranTraxenTrel DaraanTrelebTrelkisTrendirTrellisane-SealonTrennesTri-BetalineTri-Rho NauticaTriaminusTriangelesTriangularisTriebaT'RillTrillbyTriminonTrimirTrinoraTrin'taraTripoliTro'varaTron DaraanTrotorTruaiTrunoxTruth's BaneTruxtunTseenTsihTsugh KhaidnnTszeTufemTulanTulganaTunerTurenTurionTuri'taraTur'vokTurulTutakai system (Tutakai) • T'VantTwisting MawTwobinTyburnTychoTyntTyoloTyrelliTyrtaeusTyrus Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (T) TagraTalosTama/TamarTammeronTarahongTarazedTarvoTasakTau CetiTau CygnaTau BoötisTaurusTegedaarTellarTemeckliaThalosTherbiaTheta AquariiTheta DraconisTheta PegasiTL-9139TohvunTomedTopinTormanTorrosTrelkaTriangulumTrillTrivasTylTyra Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (T) T'AcogTalvathTarodTau CentauriTau DeltaTau LacertaeTegmeniTellunTeneebiaTephreiTerixTessenTeutilT'ghaThalassaThallonTheta CentauriTheta EridaniTheta HydraeTheta IndiTheta KiokisTheta LeonisTheta PavonisTiburonTigelisTikaT'MetToh'kahtT'ongToredarTorekTornaToronTraelusTranome SarTrilithTurkanaTy'Gokor Beta Quadrant icon image.


No history or specifics are established for this location in Starfleet Command III gameplay. The system name of Acamar was part of a list that were applied to systems on the game map, with random attributes assigned to them. In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started.


External links[]
