Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Agonites are an avianoid species originating from the homeworld of Agoni.


Agonites are a bipedal species evolved from avianoids. In the 23rd century, they have vestigial wings attached near their elbows and thighs, which gave them limited flight capabilities. Their heads are eagle-like with large, brown eyes and beaks. Feathers cover their bodies with white and gray plumage. Clawed hands have one thumb and three fingers.

Officials of the Agoni police force wore tunics.


In 2266, an Agonite space eagle starship transporting a group of criminals was mistakenly disabled by the USS Enterprise. Captain James T. Kirk was misled by the ship's prisoners into believing the Agonites were savage looters, and he resettled them on a class M planet. After Agonite Officer Roggaf explained their operations and background, Kirk and Lieutenant Hurst helped recapture the prisoners. (TOS comic: "The Eagles Have Landed")

Known individuals[]


