Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A harvester rig on the agrarian world Prairie

Agriculture, or farming, is the production of food and resources by the processes of growing plants and rearing animals.

History and specifics[]

On Earth in 4500 BC, Sumerians invented agriculture, along with the written language and beer. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls)

In the 23rd century the planet Prairie took agriculture to extreme proportions with huge fields of produce harvested over periods of months by massive crewed vehicles called harvester rigs. (EV comic: "The Flat, Gold Forever")

The natives of Morti kept their farms deep below the planet's surface after their sun died, using transparent domes to let in the light from their artificial sun. (TOS comic: "When Planets Collide")

Tarseans on Gamma Tarses VII built huge vertical farms on the planet's sparse islands. (TOS - Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor comic: "Error")

In 2260, an enormous herd of dranzers trampled several hundred thousand square kilometers of grain crops planted on Ribol II and threatened to do the same in 2268. (TOS audiobook: The Logistics of Stampede)

In 2274, Husians forced women from the USS Enterprise and USS Venture to cultivate triticale-like grain crops on Hus-24. Nyota Uhura lit the crops on fire as a diversion so the crews could escape. (TOS comic: "Husian Gambit")

The Cardassians claimed that the creation of the Inland Sea was to help Bajor's agriculture, but vast areas of farmland were left barren. (ST novel: Captain's Peril)

In the 24th century a series of domes built on the Maltese asteroid belt formed an agricultural colony called The Armada. The Armada grew organic crops of fruits and vegetables which fed the people of an entire sector. (TNG - The Space Between comic: "Space Seeds")



External links[]
