The Akritirians were a warp-capable civilization native to the planet Akritiri, in the Delta Quadrant. They were humanoid, with a slight ridging on their forehead.
Legal system[]
They had an oppressive government and a system of justice that, by the standards of the Federation, was cruel, draconian and inhumane. In this system, once a person was convicted of a crime, the conviction could not be overturned, even if conclusive evidence that proved his innocence was uncovered. The person in question would still be sentenced to life in a brutal prison, the Akritirian maximum security detention facility. There the prisoners were induced to kill each other through synaptic manipulation.
A violent group called Open Sky acted against the government. Although considered terrorists by the government, they regarded themselves as patriots.
Voyager incident[]
In 2373, Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Junior Grade Tom Paris of the Federation starship USS Voyager were accused by the Akritirian authorities of carrying out an Open Sky bombing and imprisoned in the Akritirian maximum security detention facility.
When Voyager's captain, Kathryn Janeway, captured the actual persons behind the bombing, the Akritirian ambassador, Liria, refused to have Paris and Kim released due to Akritirian court convictions' irreversibility. Captain Janeway led a mission to rescue the two officers, after which Voyager quickly left Akritirian space. (VOY episode: "The Chute")
Paris recalled his imprisonment by the Akritirians later in the year. (VOY novel: Marooned)
Known individuals[]
This article or subsection has an associated category. | Akritirians |
External link[]
- Akritirian article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.