Alnitak (also known as Zeta Orionis) is a star system, a trinary star that was located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, about 800 light-years from Earth, where it is visible in the constellation of Orion as the far left star in Orion's belt. (VOY novel: Pathways)
History and specifics[]
The Alnitak system's orbit was the location of a planetary system. A world in this system was the home of Bonner the Stochastic in the 21st century. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: The City on the Edge of Forever; ST video game: Starfleet Command III)
- No history or specifics are established for this location in SFC3 as its name was randomly selected for a system on the game map by the game software, with random attributes assigned.
External links[]
- Alnitak article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Alnitak article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.