Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Alpha Centauri Concordium was one of the five founding Member States of the United Federation of Planets, founded initially as an independent state when it declared independence from United Earth. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures; ENT novel: The Good That Men Do; ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

In FASA RPG module: The Federation, the Alpha Centauri state was known as the Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets.

The practical experiences they gained from their first colonizations led to the first representative form of the Centauran interstellar government on stardate 0/2004. This political confederation served as a model for the development of the United Federation of Planets. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

On reference stardate 0/8806, Terran military officials received the cooperation of the Concordium of Planets in the establishment of the Centauri Test Range, a weapon development center and propulsion test facility. (FASA RPG - The Romulans module: The Romulan Way: Game Operations Manual)

By the 23rd century, the Alpha Centauri Concordium was a part of the Federations General Assembly. (TOS - Fortunes of War novel: Dreadnought!)

In 2269, the delegate from the Centaurus Concordium moved that the Federation Council formally congratulate Hudson's World for its fiftieth year of independence. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)


