There are several languages used in Andorian culture.
The main spoken language on Andoria in the 24th century was called Andorii. (DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss, DS9 - Worlds of DS9 novel: Andor: Paradigm)
At some point in their past, their language was based upon musical notes in various combinations. (TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")
In 2377, Dr. Bart Faulwell noted a similarity between the written language of the Ardanan culture and Andorii, as well as with Human languages of Japanese and Chinese. (CoE eBook: Signs from Heaven)
In a timeline where the Andorians made first contact with the Humans of Earth, thus giving rise to the Interstellar Union, Andorii was the dominant language of the Union. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: The Tears of Eridanus)
Andorii Terms[]
- ceara: traditional clothing among zhen
- challorn: a sweet-smelling flower
- eketha: a hardwood tree
- elta: a floral tree
- grelth: an arachnid
- gristhera: a food dish popular among many different races; often served at diplomatic functions
- hari a flatbread
- karskat: misbegotten
- katheka: a stimulant analogous to coffee
- kheth: the temporary pouch that grows over and around the lower abdomen of a zhavey for the final phase of Andorian gestation
- klahz: an animal known for its careless way of moving
- saf: a psychoactive chemical refined from an Andorian plant, used in the shelthreth and generally available only by medical prescription on Andor. Possession of saf is illegal off Andor.
- shapla: a betrothal symbol; woven locks of hair from bondmates
- shax: a poisonous parasitic insect that nests under the skin of its host
- shaysha: an edible beetlelike insect
- shelthreth: ritual consummation of marriage for the purpose of conception
- taras: a kind of tree
- tezha: sexual union outside the shelthreth
- vithi: an edible flower
- xixu: a marine plant whose fronds may be mashed and used in baby food
- zhiassa: a zhavey's milk
- zletha: a flower
- (unpronouncable): Eden/creation (TOS movie: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
- Terms and definitions come from the Glossary of Andorii Terms found at the back of Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume One.
Other words[]
- bouf: 'pink'. This word was used to refer to things that did not work or were non-functional. (FASA RPG module: The Klingons)
- This may have some relation to the term "pink skin" used by Andorians to refer to Humans in the ENT episode: "The Andorian Incident" et al.
Graalek is the written form of Graalen, a native language of Andoria.
Graalen is a consonontal-root language where consonant pairs provide a word's core subject matter, while the vowels specify the word's type. For example, the consonant pair ND-R connotes worlds, planets, or "everything." The vowel set A-O indicates a simple singular noun. So Andor means, simply, "world" while Ondara means "music" (literally: the sound the world makes). The suffix -YA or -IA modifies a noun to prominence, so when Andorians became aware of other worlds, their world became more popularly known as Andoria, meaning the world.
The round symbols are Andorian vowels. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Andorians: Among the Clans)
- "Let the heat drop." - Advice to keep calm, cool down. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)
See also[]
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