The Andronicans were an alien culture originally native to planet Andronicus in the binary system Omicron Ceti.
By the 23rd century, the Andronican civilization had long since died off, but Earth psychiatrist Carl Wenthworth had studied their archives and rediscovered their mind-direction techniques, originally to train the disciples of his Freedom-of-duty and Anti-Apologist Movement and rid his patients of needless guilt-feelings to reach what he called a state of enlightened self-interest, later to train his assistant Andrea Manning and her psi-disciples, becoming effectively a cult leader. In 2273, Spock later concluded that the Andronican psi-techniques Wenthworth and Manning used included the ability to give energy the appearance of solid matter by drawing power from the thoughts of others, which had also caused both to lose their own minds and develop a megalomaniac psychosis. (TOS comic: "... Like a Woman Scorned!")