Andy Mangels is the author of several stories in the Star Trek universe. Aside from Star Trek, Mangels has also written licensed novels about RoswellWP and Star WarsWP.
Mangels is one of several authors who have produced annotations for their published works.
- Prose:
- Pocket ENT:
- Last Full Measure (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2006)
- The Good That Men Do (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2007)
- Kobayashi Maru (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2008)
- Pocket TNG:
- Section 31: Rogue (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2001)
- Pocket DS9:
- Mission Gamma #3: Cathedral (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2001)
- "The Orb of Opportunity" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, short story in Prophecy and Change, 2003)
- "Requital" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, short story in Tales of the Dominion War, 2004)
- Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Trill: Unjoined (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2005)
- SCE:
- #30: Ishtar Rising, Book 1 (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2003)
- #31: Ishtar Rising, Book 2 (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2003)
- TLE:
- #1: The Sundered (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2003)
- TTN:
- Taking Wing (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2005)
- "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility" (short story in Tales from the Captain's Table, 2005)
- The Red King (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2005)
- Excelsior: Forged in Fire (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2008)
- Pocket ENT:
- Comics:
- Marvel Comics:
- "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1997)
- "Four Funerals and a Wedding" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1997)
- Telepathy War:"Command Decisions" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1997)
- Telepathy War: "Day of Honor" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1998)
- "Nobody Knows the Tribbles I've Seen" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1998)
- "Requiem in Obsidian" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1998)
- WildStorm Comics:
- Star Trek Unlimited #10: "A Piece of Reaction" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 1997)
- Star Trek: Special: "A Rolling Stone Gathers No Nanoprobes" (co-writer with Michael A. Martin, 2001)
- Marvel Comics: