Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Aquila II was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, the second planet in the Aquila star system. Aquila II contained lifeforms, including much plant vegetation. The most dominant life was a particular type of vine known for fast growth that would trap vessels and vehicles that landed on the surface. Aquila II held the personal laboratory of Doctor Alfred Parks. One of the planet's native creatures is known for making good fishing.

One known lifeform was a creature described by Robert Velura in 2364 as trout-like. He compared the creature to various known animal life: the legs were like those of an Allryian rhinocerous, the poisonous horn (making the creature inedible) like that of a pit viper and fins make it like a trout. According to Velura, the animal put up a fight. (TNG video game: The Transinium Challenge)


Aquila system
Aquila IAquila IIAquila IIIAsteroid C-21Asteroid D-39Asteroid E-146Asteroid F-72Aquila IV