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The Archanis sector was a sector of space claimed by the Klingon Empire and United Federation of Planets. Archanis IV is the most important planet in the sector.
The Archanis sector was controlled by the Klingons until the late 23rd century, at which point control was given to the Federation. In 2372, Gowron demanded that the Federation to withdraw from the sector and later sent a task force to the sector, giving Starfleet just ten days to evacuate the sector. (DS9 episode: "Broken Link", ST website: The Path to 2409)
Archanis was taken over by the Klingons soon after, although Starfleet launched an counter-attack several months later. Even after the war ended, the two organizations would dispute the area. (DS9 episodes: "Apocalypse Rising", "Nor the Battle to the Strong", ST website: The Path to 2409)
2406 saw the sector invaded by the Klingons, leading to the war between the Federation and Klingon increasing. While Commander Akira Sulu believed that Starfleet would take back the sector again, others believed the fight would be long. Fighting continued between the Klingons and Federation in Archanis during the year 2407. (ST website: The Path to 2409)
Alternate timeline[]
In an alternate timeline, Admiral Thelin led a series of succesful campaigns against the Klingon Empire during the Genesis War. (Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel: The Chimes at Midnight)
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External link[]
- Archanis sector article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.