Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ardra was a female con artist and member of the Circle of Jilaan, who impersonated the Ventaxian mythological figure Ardra.


In 2367, this con artist took the identity of Ardra, and used a number of holographic and transporter tricks to convince the Ventaxians she was their legendary benefactor. When challenged by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D, "Ardra" also presented herself as humanity's Devil, and Fek'lhr of Klingon mythology. Eventually, the Enterprise was able to disprove her claim on Ventax II. Starfleet took her ship into custody, and "Ardra" was arrested by the Ventaxians. (TNG episode: "Devil's Due")

Even after her exposure, she maintained the name. Starfleet officers also continued to refer to her by the name of "Ardra". (TNG episode: "Devil's Due", TNG comics: "Shore Leave in Shanzibar!", "Consorting With the Devil!", "Dirty Work", TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: The Oppressor's Wrong)

By 2372, "Ardra"'s technology had been adapted by Starfleet Cadet Bael Nomine in order to create the impression that a Changeling had infiltrated the USS Enterprise-E and Starbase 375. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: The Oppressor's Wrong)

Nomine's equipment was later stolen from Starbase 50 and used by Klingon agents. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment)

When the criminals known as the Unsung were mounting a series of attacks on the Klingon Empire, the crew of the Enterprise-E realized that the Unsung were working with other members of the Circle of Jilaan. The Unsung were being cleverly manipulated by Buxtus Cross and a crew of truthcrafters or illusionists who used technology similar to Ardra's. At Captain Picard's request, the USS Aventine retrieved Ardra from prison and intercepted the Enterprise. When Ardra met Captain Picard again, she still openly flirted with him, much to the displeasure of his wife, Beverly Crusher. Ardra agreed to assist them in neutralizing the other gang, feeling that their actions cheapened what the Circle were meant to stand for. Using her starship which had been impounded and a team from the Enterprise to crew her vessel, Ardra stopped the rogue group by casting their own illusions. As a condition of her parole; Ardra used her ship and the surviving crew of the other truthcrafter ship to undo the damage caused by other truthcrafter crews. After Captain Picard reminded her that she could take the deal as offered or go back to prison where she had almost spent twenty years of her life; she accepted. (ST - Prey novel: The Hall of Heroes)


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