Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Argramine soup is a food, a type of soup.

History and specifics[]

Argramine soup was one of many dishes prepared in the replicators aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D. When the Elysian "gods" made Data fully Human in the year 2365, he was astounded at the number of choices in the menu that included this soup. (TNG novel: Metamorphosis)



alphabet soupAlterian chowderapple soupArgainian soupArgramine soupasparagus soupbaghol soupbertakk soupbeta-resnis soupborschtcavistat soupcheddar cheese soupchicken brothchicken consomméchicken noodle soupchicken soupchicken vegetable soupchicken quadrotriticale soupclam chowdercorn chowdercream of asparagus soupcream of broccoli soupduck soupegg drop soupFrench onion soupgarlic soupgazpachogumboHlakajus senatuskhizrkiros kai fakiLeola root soupmatzoh ball soupmushroom soupnalxak souponion souppasta souppea soupplomeek brothplomeek soupramjep egg soupRomulan soupScots brothSenarian egg brothshav-rotsplit pea soupsupu ya kiazit'miirq souptomar souptomato souptori nanbanulan soupurrl soupVak clover soupvegetable bouillionvegetable soupzoth-nut soup

