Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ariadne Drake was a Human operative in Starfleet Intelligence during the late 23rd century.


The daughter of Admiral Androvar Drake, she was a member of Admiral Lance Cartwright's conspiracy to prevent peace between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire.

Following the conspiracy's dismantling in 2293, Ariadne journeyed to the distant Dark Range Platform, where she posed as a banker to fellow Starfleet Intelligence operatives, Commanders Nyota Uhura and Pavel Chekov, on a secret mission. There, she saved them from the Klingon smuggler Kort's Andorian thugs, gaining vital intelligence in the process. She stunned Uhura and Chekov, leaving them for dead, then subsequently murdered Kort.

When the USS Excelsior arrived at the planet Chal, Ariadne located an armory/museum, and attempted to kill James T. Kirk and his lover Teilani in order to retrieve the armory's computer data. However, Kirk stopped her and destroyed the information. She died with her father on a K't'inga-class Klingon battlecruiser when he attempted to time-warp within the corona of Chal's sun. (TOS novelization & comic adaptation: The Ashes of Eden)

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