Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Askalon V.

Askalon V was a Class M planet. Although there was evidence that a civilization once thrived on the planet, by the late 23rd century the planet was barren and uninhabited, and only the ruins of that long-lost civilization remained.

In 2294, the USS Enterprise-B received a distress call from the surface of Askalon V and altered course to investigate. Upon arrival in orbit, Captain John Harriman led a landing party to the surface to try and locate the people that needed rescuing. However, the party found nothing but ruins and a distress beacon, that Lieutenants Maggie Thompson and Z'on believed to be of Blumberg origin.

Before a detailed analysis could be conducted something had affected Ensign Demora Sulu, and she began attacking members of the landing party. Harriman was forced to fire multiple phaser shots at Sulu in order to stop her attack and she died before she could get medical treatment aboard the Enterprise. (TOS novel: The Captain's Daughter)


planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)
EarthAskalon VBeta Orvis IIIYkoQadyaqBeta Velara IVRejarris II
planets visited by the USS Excelsior
EarthRegulaEarth (mirror)Gamma Trianguli XIICetus VEnoch IVVerdee12 Lyncis planetprimate worldTallyMagellan's WorldEarthGaldonterreQul Tuq IITabuk IIITabuk IVSigma Cameron IVStentorBeta Myamid planetBeta Prometheus III-APrestor VChalMestikoOghenKhitomerAskalon VMetron planet