The Aspero class was a 25th century Caitian starship type, a tier 6 Federation support carrier class in Starfleet service from the 2410s decade. (STO website: House Divided: Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle, STO - House Divided mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")
History and specifications[]
During the Klingon Civil War of 2411, the Khitomer Alliance launched a new, tier-6 rated variation of the 25th century science carrier. The support carrier was initially represented by four starship classes, one by each leading Alliance member. The prototype of each class - the CDS Aspero, JHV Support Carrier, RRW Ra'nodaire and IKS Vo'devwl - performed a maneuver together and deployed their hangar pets.
The Aspero was an built on the existing Caitian tier 5 Atrox-class carrier platform. Unlike the Atrox, which deployed individually-operating Stalker-class fighters, the Aspero launched Stalker fighter squadrons which operated in sync. Due to the larger size, the fleet upgrade of the Aspero class, available to fleets operating a tier-3 shipyard at the Fleet Starbase, could launch Shikaris-class support frigates. (STO website: House Divided: Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle)
By default, this class was fitted with Mk-rated scaling shield array, deflector array, impulse engines, and matter anti-matter warp core. Fore weapons included a pair of tetryon beam arrays and one quantum torpedo launcher. This arrangement was mirrored on the three aft weapon slots.
As a class of science vessel, this class came with built-in subsystem targeting abilities. Rated as Rank I, this vessel could target, one at a time, auxiliary subsystems, weapons, engines, and shields.
As a carrier, the Aspero could direct its hangar pets to attack hostile targets, escort a friendly target, intercept munitions and hostile fighters, and recall for repair and refuelling. (STO - House Divided mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")
In the 25th century, the hull design of the Aspero-class support carrier allowed its commanding officer to choose from different livery materials. These could be modified by Starfleet Shipyards Operations. The material options included numbered Types, Upgrade and Fleet. (STO - House Divided mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock") Aspero hull materials:
- Caitian Type 1
- Caitian Type 2
- Caitian Type 3
- Upgrade
- Fleet
Furthermore, the installation of deflector shields from specific factions modified the hull appearance, including shields from the Reman Resistance, the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion. (STO missions: "Coliseum", "Cold Storage", "Boldly They Rode")
Known ships[]
- CDS Aspero (also USS Aspero)
Starship classes of the Caitians | ||
By name | Aspero • Atrox • Shikaris • Stalker | |
By type | carrier • escort • fighter • support carrier • support frigate | |
Ferasan | Slithus |
External link[]
- Caitian Aspero Support Carrier article at Star Trek Online Wiki.