Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses of see Atlantis (disambiguation).

Atlantis was a fabled location on Earth. This island, city, or civilization reportedly sank into the sea.

History and specifics[]

In 2267, James T. Kirk and Spock witnessed scenes from Atlantis as the Guardian of Forever revealed Human history to them on Gateway. (TOS novelization: The City on the Edge of Forever)

In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy compared the legends surrounding the existence of the planet Sanctuary to those about Atlantis and El Dorado. (TOS novel: Sanctuary)

In 2268, the barbarian Konrac claimed that his ancestors were from Atlantis. (TOS audiobook: The Time Stealer)

In the 24th century, the Atlantis Project took its name from this legendary place. (TNG episode: "Family", TNG short story: "Solace in Bloom")

In 2369, Picard said evidence for Atlantis was of dubious scientific worth. (TNG novel: To Storm Heaven)

In fiction[]

In the 1950s-era holonovel Tigers of the Deep, pirates led by Señora Yma Árbol discovered the sunken city intact with breathable pockets of air. They used Atlantis as a base of criminal operations for their Russian submarine Yakutsk. When they captured a group of freelance investigators aboard the USS Bengal, her crew were interrogated and locked in dungeons in Atlantis. (Last Unicorn RPG - Holodeck Adventures module: Tigers of the Deep)

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External links[]
