Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Atlira class was a compact Andorian escort class produced in the 2370s, based on research provided by Starfleet with the Saber and Defiant classes. It was first commissioned in 2374.



It has a fairly small average crew complement of only 35, but is capable of carrying 10 additional passengers with an emergency 120 capacity. It has 2 personnel transporters, 2 cargo transporters, and 1 emergency transporters. It is equipped with a single forward tractor beam emitter.

It has a cruising speed of Warp 6, but is capable of warp 9.6 for 12 hours, and a .75c/.95c impulse system. Its long range sensors have a range of 15 light-years, and its lateral sensors 1.

It carries a complement of 60 quantum torpedos, and can fire a spread of 5 at once. Its defensive shields are supplied by the Andorian Imperial Guard. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Andorians: Among the Clans)

Known Ships[]

  • ADS Atlira
  • ADS Gar'Lev
  • ADS Khorval
  • ADS Mat-Rus
  • ADS Tel'ath


Andorian starship classes
By name AtliraAtlirithCharalChimesh • (D3) • IlthirinKhyzonKumariKutharOmtilShranSevaijenSpiritTaholsinTanathooefThofsinThozynThrisUmarevYravas Emblem of the Andorian Empire.
By type attack shipcourierescape podescort (2370s-80s)escort (2400s onwards, Charal-class)cruiserdestroyerescort (2400s onwards, Khyzon-class)escort (2400s onwards,Kumari-class)battlecruiser (2140s-2260s)battlecruiser (Interstellar Union, 2290s)battlecruiser (2380s)fighterfreighterfrigatelight cruiser (2150s-2160s)light escort (2400s)pilot escort (engineering variant)pilot escort (science variant)pilot escort (tactical variant)science vesselshuttlesurveyorwarship (2140s-2150s)warship (2360s)
translated names in parentheses