Aurelia II, known simply as Aurelia, was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, the second planet in orbit of the Xi Herculis star system. A Federation member world, Aurelia is the homeworld of the Aurelian civilization. The Federation starship USS Aurelia was named for this planet. (TAS episode: "Yesteryear", TOS reference: The Worlds of the Federation)
Aurelia is an unusually large planet in the Alpha Quadrant with a surface featuring mild deserts, mesas, and vast scrub lands. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook)
It was a large, blue class J planet. (ST video game: Legacy mission: Anger and Mercy)
- The Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook reported it as class M. Star Trek Maps denoted it as the fourth planet.
Following the Raid on San Francisco by the Breen during the Dominion War and the broadcast of images of the damaged Golden Gate Bridge, applications to join Starfleet from Aurelia increased. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
In 2380, the inhabited planets of the Aurelius region were assaulted by a Borg force led by T'Uerell. In response, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E ordered that all Federation civilians in the system were to be evacuated to Starbase 127. Thanks to the efforts of a Starfleet task force led by the Enterprise, fifteen impulse transports carrying the majority of the populations of the planets in the Aurelius region made it to Starbase 127, and the evacuees were transferred to warp-capable ships. (ST video game: Legacy)
Stars, systems and objects of the Hercules constellation |
99 Herculis • Alpha Herculae (Rasalgethi) • Beta Herculis (Kornephoros) • Chi Herculis • Delta Herculis (Sarin) • Mu Herculis • Xi Herculis • Zeta Herculis (Inferna) |
Appearances and references[]
- ST video game: Legacy mission: Anger and Mercy