In the Kelvin timeline, the Avem-4 was a 23rd century Romulan shuttlecraft, a Theta-class[1] Romulan shuttle/security shuttle in Romulan Star Empire service in the 2250s decade.
Service history and disposition[]
In the year 2258, Security Shuttle Avem-4 awaited Senator Pardek and Ambassador Spock, who had been convicted for conspiracy against the Empire, on a landing pad. Fotunately, Avem-4 was crewed by personnel loyal to the Romulan Resistance, who commandeered the security shuttle. The Avem-4 escaped Romulus, sparing Pardek and Spock from Romulan "justice." (TOS - Legacy of Spock comic: "Part 2")
Appearances and references[]
- TOS - Legacy of Spock comic: "Part 2"