- In tlhIngan Hol the word BItuHpa' (with glottal stop in the end) means "before you are ashamed".
History and specifics[]
Despite having a Klingonese name, almost no Klingons were to be found there among the fifty or so varied species frequenting it. Unlike other bars in that Balkan city, it did not tolerate weapons, targeting a more "peace loving" clientele. Some of the employees, however, were armed. The bar was run by Meska, who also arranged other deals, such as wepons. It had a Bolian singer/keyboard player. The atmosphere was pulluted with uncleanness and dragged smoke.
- When Gowron describes the place, he mentions the singer/player as Bolian, however later in the narration he interacts with a human singer.
Gowron traveled here with Pok, son of Torghn, T'Rok, and another guard to find the origin of the Romulan assassin probe that killed his father. After a brief disagreement with Meska and his thugs, the Klingons agreed to surrender their disruptors but keep their knives. Gowron's merged in the crowd while himself and Pok enjoyed a Necti and a Pelat.
The singer Aleria was complimented by Gowron, who asked for Klingon opera; she started with tlhIngan jIH, surprising and causing cheers from the Klingons and then the rest of the bar. The bar agreed to hear the opera again, and with that, Pok broke a chair to show his appreciation, to which Gowron compensated with a bar of latinum. Aleria was surprised with this value and wondered if he wanted anything else; Gowron asked for information, which he would take for free, and asked for a weapons dealer, producing the assassin probe. Aleria denied any knowledge but Gowron grabbed her arm, insisting. Seeing it, Meska ordered his thugs to stop him, but they were neutralized by Pok and Gowron's guards. The bar froze. Eventually she said that people go to make business with Meska, and Gowron tossed her aside, catching up with the terrified bartender.
Gowron tortured him with a glass of Necti, aciding and poisonous to humans, and he revealed in his pain that the Toofa, a Pakled ship, moved between Balka and the Soltaris system. With this information as first lead, the Klingons left the place, but not before Gowron finishing the Necti bottle, and throwing it against the back wall.
It was not long before Meska left, knowing the Klingons would return for him, as they did. During that visit, the Klingon T'lak's dealings with Meska were revealed, and he was apprehended by his companions. Aleria shot him, when he pulled a secret disruptor and was about to kill Gowron. The Klingons left with Aleria, who wished to leave the planet. (ST novel: Klingon)