Bacteria were single-celled lifeforms.
Known species of bacteria included staphylococcus (TAS episode & novelization: The Infinite Vulcan) and streptococcus. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)
Unlike viruses, bacteria were easy to see under a microscope and fairly easy to kill. (TLE novel: Catalyst of Sorrows)
Volition was a S'ti'ach game involving competitions between fast-breeding bacteria. (TTN novel: Sword of Damocles)
In 1999, the Melacron learned how to turn common bacteria into cures for a variety of diseases. (TNG - Double Helix novel: The First Virtue)
In 2266, Spock noted that a shrunken Montgomery Scott at microscopic size would be menaced by airborne bacteria. (TOS comic: "Dwarf Planet")
In 2267, James T. Kirk reflected that bacteria had more respect for privacy than Leonard McCoy did. (TOS novel: Final Frontier)
By 2376, grasses, microbes and bacteria were the only lifeforms on Banea. (VOY - Dark Matters novel: Ghost Dance)
External links[]
- Bacteria article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Bacteria article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.