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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Badlands.
For other uses, see Battlezone.

The Badlands Battlezone was region of space, a planetary system located in the Badlands of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant in the 25th century. In the early 2410s decade, the Badlands Battlezone was an area contested between an alliance of local primary universe powers and the Terran Empire of the mirror universe. (STO website: New Dawn: Badlands Battlezone)

History and specifics[]


The USS Malinche at the allied beachhead.

The Imperial Terran forces, led by the Bajoran Admiral Leeta, led a renewed invasion of the prime universe following their victory over the Iconians in the year 2410. (STO website: New Dawn: Badlands Battlezone)

The response by Khitomer Alliance members was coordinated by Commander Mesi Achebe of the Federation Excelsior-class starship USS Malinche, which held position at an allied beachhead. The USS Malinche received direct support from allies who assigned duty officers to complete missions for the Starfleet ship. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Duty Officer Assignment")

The Allies and Terrans divided the area into several zones they vied for control over. Terran space stations littered the area and were defended by Imperial starships. Following the defeat of these stations, Imperial Starfleet launched a trio of heavily defended mirror universe battle stations into the area. After these were pushed back by Achebe's fleet, Leeta herself led the ISS Enterprise-F and a Terran fleet into a daring counterassault against the allies. Repelling Leeta's fleet led to a temporary reprieve from the next Terran invasion of the area. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Battlezone")

Known locations[]

Empok Nor mirror

Empok Nor in the Badlands.


External links[]
