Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Colonel Thaddius Riker and another soldier, later revealed to be the Q known as Quinn, shortly after the Battle of Pine Mountain, Georgia.

The Battle of Pine Mountain was a conflict fought in June 1864 during the American Civil War between the Union Army and the Army of the Confederate States of America. The battle took place during General William T. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign that took place in the summer of 1864. Pine Mountain was located near Kennesaw Mountain, and was one of a series of engagements that took place in the area.

Thaddius Riker, a distant ancestor of Kyle Riker and his son William, was present at the battle. Another Union soldier saved the life of Thaddius by carrying him away from the battle to receive medical attention after Thaddius had been wounded. In 2372, it was revealed that the soldier was in fact a member of the Q Continuum named Quinn who saved the life of Thaddius. (VOY episode: "Death Wish", ST - The Lost Era novel: Deny Thy Father)

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