Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Battle of Rigel was an engagement between Federation Alliance and Dominion forces in the Rigel system, which took place in early 2375. The Federation Alliance successfully repelled a Dominion attack on long-standing Federation member system, the United Rigel Colonies.[citation needed]

History and specifics[]

One of the participants in the battle was the USS Enterprise-E, who lost several crewmembers in the battle, including Andrew Powell. (TTN novel: Taking Wing)

The USS Kelly was among the vessels lost in this engagement. In the aftermath of the battle, the Orion Syndicate sent ships into the debris field to scavenge whatever they could before Starfleet could recover its own technology. One such item was an isolation suit from the USS Kelly, which eventually found its way through the black market to Hiziki Gard. (DS9 - Worlds of DS9 - Volume Two novel: Trill: Unjoined)

The Enterprise received repairs at Starbase 133. (TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)

The Battle of Rigel took place almost simultaneously with the Massacre of New Beijing. (DS9 - S31 novel: Abyss)



Battles of the Dominion War
2373 : Second Battle of Deep Space 9Battle of Torros III
2374 : Battle of TyraOperation ReturnBattle of SybaronBattle of BetazedLiberation of BenzarSecond Battle of VulcanisFirst Battle of Chin'toka
2375 : Battle of RigelBattle of Monac IVBattle of Ricktor PrimeBattle of GolorothInvasion of Septimus IIISiege of AR-558Raid on San FranciscoSecond Battle of Chin'tokaKalandra CampaignBattle of RashanarBattle of Rondac IIIBattle of Avenal • Battle of Cardassia
Other battles: Battle of AlaiaBattle of Laktar

