Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Battle of Septimus III was a major engagement during the Dominion War.


By 2375, the Dominion were being worn down by the Federation Alliance and were steadily losing ground. Dominion forces were stretched thin therefore they withdrew from non-strategic Cardassian worlds. Septimus III was one of these worlds that found itself vulnerable to invasion after their withdrawal. Located on the planet was the Eleventh Order's headquarters, which due to losses accrued during the war had been reduced to a reserve unit. It was by then an Order consisting of "old men and walking wounded", in the words of General Martok who claimed Septimus III would easily fall. Realizing the Eleventh Order's dire situation Legate Damar informed Weyoun 7 about the planet's vulnerability, and pleaded for reinforcements to be sent to Septimus III. Damar received assurances from Weyoun 7 that he would deal with the issue.


Soon afterwards a Klingon force of fifteen divisions landed on the planet. Within days, the Klingons had successfully conquered the world. In the process annihilating the entire Eleventh Order, a force that consisted of 500,000 loyal Cardassian soldiers. Upon receiving news of the disaster, Weyoun was furiously confronted by Damar. Who was shocked and enraged when Weyoun stated that the Dominion's inaction forced the Klingons to commit valuable resources in the conquest of a "strategically worthless" planet. Damar was further informed that the Founders would make whatever sacrifices they deemed were necessary to achieve victory. (DS9 episode: "Strange Bedfellows")


The Dominion's betrayal of the Cardassians on top of the Dominion's new alliance with the Breen, finally pushed Damar to turn against the Dominion. Resulting in the Cardassian Rebellion, which contributed to the defeat of the Dominion. (DS9 episodes: "Strange Bedfellows", "The Dogs of War", "What You Leave Behind")
