Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Battle of Tyra was a military engagement between the Federation Alliance and Dominion forces in the Tyra system in the early months of the Dominion War in 2374.

The Seventh Fleet was dispatched to the Tyra system in an attempt to prevent the Dominion from moving further into Federation space. Of 112 Alliance vessels sent to Tyra, only fourteen ships made it back to Federation territory, severely dampening the allies’ morale. (DS9 episode: "A Time to Stand")

The USS Lexington was among the ships to survive the Battle of Tyra, though her captain, Eberling, was killed in action. (SCE eBook: War Stories, Book 1)

Participating Allied starships[]


Battles of the Dominion War
2373 : Second Battle of Deep Space 9Battle of Torros III
2374 : Battle of TyraOperation ReturnBattle of SybaronBattle of BetazedLiberation of BenzarSecond Battle of VulcanisFirst Battle of Chin'toka
2375 : Battle of RigelBattle of Monac IVBattle of Ricktor PrimeBattle of GolorothInvasion of Septimus IIISiege of AR-558Raid on San FranciscoSecond Battle of Chin'tokaKalandra CampaignBattle of RashanarBattle of Rondac IIIBattle of Avenal • Battle of Cardassia
Other battles: Battle of AlaiaBattle of Laktar


The RPG The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon, published by Last Unicorn Games after they had lost their Star Trek license gave greater detail on this battle: The Seventh Fleet was commanded by Admiral Borren D'gret aboard his flagship, the USS North Star. D'gret organized his 112 ships into a classic defensive bulwark three ranks deep, six wide and three tall in the region between the system's sixth and seventh planets. The Dominion fleet of 248 ships was commanded by Gul Pettar aboard the Gevrok. The initial clash destroyed fifteen Starfleet ships and damaged dozens more as the Jem'Hadar concentrated their fire on specific high-profile targets such as Excelsior and Steamrunner-class ships. The North Star was one of the early losses, leaving the Seventh Fleet without proper leadership. In all, Starfleet lost 24,000 lives.
