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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Battle of Wolf 359 (mirror).

The Battle of Wolf 359 was the Federation's disastrous first fleet action against the Borg. It was part of the Borg Incursion of 2366-2367; the battle itself became synonymous with the star's name, and thus the battle eventually came to be known simply as "Wolf 359". (LD episode: "No Small Parts")

It was identified by the Time Lord known as The Doctor as a fixed point in time. (TNG - Assimilation² comic: "Issue 7")

Starfleet officer Steven Levy by 2380 came to believe that the battle was an "inside job". (LD episode: "No Small Parts")

Sequence of events[]

Wolf 359

The time-displaced USS Voyager observes the battle.

In early 2367, (stardate 44002.3), a fleet of forty starships, under the command of Admiral J.P. Hanson, massed at Wolf 359, 7.8 light-years from Earth, in an attempt to halt a Borg cube en route to Earth. Using the knowledge of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who had earlier been assimilated and given the designation "Locutus", the Borg destroyed 39 ships. The one-sided battle cost the Federation over 11,000 lives. (TNG episodes: "The Best of Both Worlds", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II", DS9 episode: "Emissary", VOY - Strange New Worlds V short story: "Final Entry", TNG comic: "Second Contact"). Among the ships destroyed at the battle was the USS Columbia, one of the Federation's few Galaxy-class ships in active service at the time. (TNG novel: Vendetta, STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359") states that the battle did not last long enough for expected Klingon aid to arrive; however, the Voyager comic Ghosts shows Klingon vessels participating in the battle.

During the fighting the USS Saratoga, trapped in the cube's tractor beam, was covertly boarded by Borg drones intent on killing or assimilating senior officers. However, a starship crew sent from 2409 by Q (Junior) defeated the drones, ensuring that the vessel's first officer Benjamin Sisko escaped the ship. (STO - Borg Advance mission: "State of Q")


One of the first ships to arrive for clean-up operations was the Miranda-class USS Cerritos. (LD module: Lower Decks - Crew Handbook)

Recovery operations were underway within 8 days. Starfleet utility vessels, among them the Annie and numerous sphinx workpods, retrieves wreckage, desolate ships, lifeboats and escape pods from the aftermath of the battle. Wreckage included at least two Constitution-class starships, a Miranda-class, a Niagara-class, a Nebula-class, a Cheyenne-class, a Nova-class, a New Orleans-class and a Type-6 shuttlecraft. (SOTL calendar: 2015 month September: "Wolf 359 + 8 days")

Debris from the battle remained in the system through 2368. (TNG comic: "The Worst of Both Worlds")

In 2368, the Federation established a mining colony on Naia VII, cutting corners where they could in their rush to extract the resources they needed to to rebuild following the battle. (TNG - Assimilation² comic: "Issue 2")

With its military strength drained from the battle, Starfleet placed a heavier focus on diplomatic overtures, unable to commit itself until the fleet was rebuilt. (TNG - Terra Incognita comic: "Issue 1")

In an attempt to quickly rebuild their fleet, the Federation opened diplomatic ties with the planet Faundori, hoping to make use of its mass-production capabilities. (TNG - Terra Incognita comic: "Issue 4")

Rachel Aprile's tactics that she used against the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359 convinced Starfleet to assign her to Starfleet Academy to oversee the Kobayashi Maru scenario. (DS9 short story: "Best Tools Available")

Sisko created a holographic program of the Battle of Wolf 359 aboard Deep Space 9 in an attempt to discover if a Starfleet victory was possible. (DS9 comic: "Program 359")

Starfleet operated a memorial in the Wolf 359 system by the year 2409. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Heading Out")

By 2411, the Wolf 359 Memorial Station included wreckage from numerous ships from the battle, plus the intact, decommissioned USS Hood. (STO - Both Worlds mission: "Omega Molecule Stabilization")

Parallel universe[]

In a parallel universe, Jake Sisko died aboard the USS Saratoga during the battle, an event which destroyed his father Benjamin Sisko's Starfleet career, his marriage to Jake's mother Jennifer Sisko and almost Benjamin's will to live. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)

Ships at the Battle of Wolf 359[]

Federation vessels[]

ship name registry number ship class launched disposition memorial position sources
USS Ahwahnee[2] NCC-71620 Cheyenne-class 24th century active (2368)[3] - TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
USS Anderson NCC-12248 Springfield-class 24th century destroyed (stardate 44002.3[4], 2367) 10 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Bastion NCC-2527 Constellation-class 23rd century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Bellerophon NCC-62048 Nebula-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered DS9 episode: "Emissary"
USS Bonestell NCC-31600[5] Oberth-class destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered DS9 episode: "Emissary"
USS Buran NCC-57580 Challenger-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 13 TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
USS Chekov NCC-57302 Springfield-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 11 TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
USS Columbia NCC-71102 Galaxy-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) inside station bay STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Constance NCC-10367 Constellation-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 22 PIC episode: "Disengage"
USS Dunkerque NCC-44532 Cheyenne-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 24 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Endurance NCC-5265 Ambassador-class Narendra-subclass 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 3 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Firebrand NCC-68723 Freedom-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 18 TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
USS Gage NCC-11672 Apollo-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) - ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia
USS Gage NCC-11672 ShiKahr-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 25 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Galatea NCC-2692 Constellation-class 23rd century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Garrett NCC-12256 Georgiou-class destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 8 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Gora bim Gral NCC-62154 Ambassador-class Yamaguchi-subclass 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 16 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Hoagland Miranda-class Reliant-subclass destroyed (44002.3, 2367) - TOS - Odyssey novel: The Return
USS Hood NCC-42296 Excelsior-class reference stardate 2/3512[6] decommissioned (by 2411) 0/start STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Ibn Sina NCC-70532 Parliament-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 14 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Kaneda NX-62498 Akira-class Early 2360s destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 15 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Konom NCC-32285 New Orleans-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 28 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Kumari NCC-53726 Cheyenne-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Kyushu NCC-65491 New Orleans-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 17 TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
USS Liberator NCC-67016 Centaur-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 4 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS/PCU Melbourne NCC-62043/NCC-78258 Nebula-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 12 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Melbourne NCC-62043 Excelsior-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 2 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Mjolnir NCC-3117 Miranda-class Reliant-subclass 23rd century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 30 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Porksauce NCC-07480 Cheyenne-class 24th century uncertain (2367) - STO - Borg Advance mission: "State of Q"
USS Princeton NCC-59804 Niagara-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 6 TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
USS/TS Republic NCC-1371/NAR-1371 Constitution-class Enterprise-subclass 23rd century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 9 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Righteous NCC-42451 Excelsior-class 24th century active (2377)[7] not recovered STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Roosevelt NCC-2573 Excelsior-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) - VOY episode: "Unity"
USS Roosevelt NCC-65983 Ambassador-class Narendra-subclass 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered VOY episode: "Unity"; STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Saratoga NCC-31911 Miranda-class Saratoga-subclass 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered DS9 episode: "Emissary"
USS Seleya NCC-65213 New Orleans-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) not recovered STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Sha Ka Ree NCC-6989 Vesper-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 23 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Sonak NCC-29873 Miranda-class Reliant-subclass 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 27 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Soval NCC-62166 Ambassador-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 29 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Star League NCC-2101 Federation-class Ulysses-subclass 2260s[8] destroyed (44002.3, 2367) - SOTL calendar: 2015
USS Thy'lek Shran NCC-62151 Centaur-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 20 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Tolstoy NCC-62095 Centaur-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 1 TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Tolstoy NCC-62095 Rigel-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) - ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia
USS T'Pau NCC-29783 ShiKahr-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 21 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS T'Shen Kovil NCC-68208 ShiKahr-class 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 26 STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
USS Victory NCC-9754 Constellation-class 23rd century active (2375)[9] - ST video game: Starship Creator
USS Yamaguchi NCC-26510 Ambassador-class Yamaguchi-subclass 24th century destroyed (44002.3, 2367) 5 DS9 episode: "Emissary"

Borg vessels[]

ship name ship class disposition sources
Cube 632 (Locutus' cube)[10] Borg cube[2] destroyed (stardate 44002.3[4], 2367) TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds"
unnamed assimilation probes (26) assimilation probe destroyed (44002.3, 2367) STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"
unnamed Borg spheres (3) Borg sphere destroyed (44002.3, 2367) STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359"

Klingon vessels[]

ship name ship class disposition sources
unnamed (2) K't'inga-class destroyed (stardate 44002.3[4], 2367) VOY comic: "Ghosts"
unnamed (1) Vor'cha-class destroyed (stardate 44002.3[4], 2367) VOY comic: "Ghosts"

Time Lord vessels[]

ship name ship class disposition sources
TARDIS timeship active (2368)[11] TNG - Assimilation² comic: "Issue 7"


See template below for ships known to have been lost in the Battle of Wolf 359, plus the USS Hood (NCC-42296), which survived.


Ships at the Battle of Wolf 359
Federation, Starfleet USS AhwahneeUSS AndersonUSS BellerophonUSS BonestellUSS BuranUSS ChekovUSS ColumbiaUSS ConstanceUSS DunkerqueUSS EndeavourUSS EnduranceUSS FirebrandUSS Gage (Apollo-class)USS Gage (ShiKahr-class)USS GalateaUSS GarrettUSS Gora bim GralUSS HoaglandUSS HoodUSS Ibn SinaUSS KadoscaUSS KanedaUSS KonomUSS KumariUSS KyushuUSS LiberatorUSS Melbourne (Excelsior-class)USS Melbourne (Nebula-class)USS MjolnirUSS PorksauceUSS PrincetonUSS RighteousUSS RooseveltUSS SaratogaUSS SeleyaUSS Sha Ka ReeUSS SonakUSS Star LeagueUSS T'Shen KovilUSS T'PauUSS Thy'lek ShranUSS Tolstoy (Centaur-class)USS Tolstoy (Rigel-class)USS VictoryUSS YamaguchiUSS Yorktownunnamed by class: ConstitutionNova Federation icon image.Emblem of Starfleet icon image.
Borg Collective Cube 632 (Locutus's cube) Borg Collective icon image.

References and notes[]

External links[]
