Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Bella was a 23rd century female horse owned by Rear Admiral James T. Kirk's uncle Abner Kirk and cared for by Peter Kirk.


Bella resided at the Kirk family farm in Riverside, Iowa during the 2270s decade. Colored white and gray, she was known for being moody. Sometimes she liked having people scratch behind her ears.

In the year 2273, the family's barn caught fire during an overnight lightning storm while Jim Kirk was visiting. The latch to Bella's stall was warped, but together Peter and Jim were able to break it. Peter calmed the spooked animal and told Jim they had no choice but to walk her out through the barn, with Jim using the fire extinguisher ahead as they walked. Peter shielded Bella's eyes, and the animal trusted him with her life and let him lead her to safety.

Afterward, Jim told Peter that George Samuel Kirk, Jr. had been afraid of fire, and that he himself was afraid of being useless. Peter's bravery during the experience helped him with considering his career options. (TOS eBook: Shadow of the Machine)
