The Bermuda Triangle was a part of the Atlantic Ocean on Earth where planes and ships were known to disappear.
History and specifics[]
In 1986, a woman who saw the appearance of the crew of the HMS Bounty in Golden Gate Park believed that they had been abducted in the Bermuda Triangle and were being released in the park. (TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Whales Weep Not")
In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer felt that the Delphic Expanse was like the Bermuda Triangle. (ENT episode: "The Expanse")
When the USS Voyager was trapped within the Forge in 2376 with several other starships, Alexander Munro commented that it was just like the Bermuda Triangle. (VOY video game: Elite Force)
In fiction[]
In the 1950s-era holonovel Tigers of the Deep, retired World War II CO Dick Fuller took charge of the decommissioned submarine USS Bengal to investigate ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. They were the result of attacks by the pirate sub Yakutsk, which was operating out of the sunken city of Atlantis. (Last Unicorn RPG - Holodeck Adventures module: Tigers of the Deep)
External links[]
- Bermuda Triangle article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Bermuda Triangle article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.