Beta Canzandia III was a planet, the third planet of the Beta Canzandia system, located at the edge of Federation space near its border with the Klingon Empire in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. It was the site of a Federation research colony.
History and specifics[]
The world was known to Klingons as Pheranna. It was a dry planet with little water. Terrain included highlands with deep fissures that formed during an ice age.
Surrounded by cavern-laden hills, the research colony studied terraforming techniques. Facilities consisted of a central dome, at least two laboratory domes, recreation dome, supply dome, at least one residential dome, and a playground. Cultivated plant life for terraforming was tested in an experimental garden, the Bois de Boulogne, and Sherwood Forest.
In 2268, while en route to Alpha Maluria, the Federation starship USS Enterprise stopped at Beta Canzandia for routine medical checkups and to get a progress report on their research. The ship then visited Alpha Maluria VI for a short time. While the starship was gone, the IKS Kad'nra led a raid to steal the terraforming research, but failed, partly due to a traitor aboard the ship. With Captain Vheled dead, new CO Kruge ignited the central dome before retreating. Expanding fires wrecked all but two of the domes, but terraforming equipment had been hidden and survived intact. Replacement domes would be delivered within a few weeks so that the colonists could rebuild and continue their work. (TOS novel: Faces of Fire)
The research colony ended up being raided twice by Klingons by the time resident Niles Gutterman was ten years old. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "Ashes, Ashes")
Points of interest[]
- Bois de Boulogne
- Sherwood Forest
Notable residents[]
- Yves Boudreau
- Fredericks
- Roberto Garcia
- Niles Gutterman
- Harcum
- Carol Marcus
- David Marcus
- Medford
- Keena Medford
- Will Pfeffer
- Timmy Riordan
- Tenuda
- Li Wan