Beta Carina VI was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, the sixth planet in orbit of the Beta Carina star system. Beta Carina VI is the location of a Federation detention compound where Cereth ajElasi remained for three years. (TOS video game: 25th Anniversary)
Stars, systems and objects of the Carina constellation |
Alpha Carinae/Canopus/Suhail/7 Carinae: Planet Alpha Carinae, Alpha Carinae II, Canopus III, Canopus IV, Alpha Carinae V, Canopus Planet, Canopus Major • Beta Carinae/Miaplacidas/123 Carinae: Miaplacidus II, Miaplacidus V, Beta Carina VI • Carinae system • Carinae Delta: Carinae Delta V • Epsilon Carinae/Avior/Yagra/89 Carinae: Yagra IV, Avior VIII • Eta Carinae Nebula • Iota Carinae/Scutulum/127 Carinae: Scutulum III |