Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Locator logo showing the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

The Beta Marada system was a star system somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant, beyond the boundaries of the United Federation of Planets. It was believed to have once been inhabited by a race called the Darzun.

History and specifics[]

In 2367, the deep space explorer USS Marco Polo entered the Beta Marada system, and was attacked by four unidentified defensive vessels, later theorized to be automated Darzun ships left behind after that race disappeared from the sector. The starship USS Enterprise-D responded to the Marco Polo distress call, and Commander William T. Riker was able to destroy the defense drones by drawing them into a high-gravity anomaly near the system. (TNG comic: "Thin Ice")

The stellar notation using the Greek language letter "beta" indicates that there might be a star group or constellation of some sort named "Marada", of which Beta Marada would logically be indicated to be the second most prominent star or system.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (B)
B HydriBabylusBaduraBaforBahrBaideusBaj'nethBakadaBakerBakoraBal DaraanBal Quonnot and PojjanPiraKotBaldaraBaldurBalidexBalkaBalkosBallionBal'tekBamirBandorBanraBan'trekBaradexBaradiBarakBaranBarasa AlphaBarasa BetaBaraza GammaBarboxBardeezaBardexBarklayBarnard 183Barnard 392Bar'taraBar'tmanaBarthaBartunuBarzanBatenBatoraBaumeisterBawBaxakBayaraBazronBaz'tekBeaufort VortexBejarusBechdelBekomBelariusBelaruzBelenaBelenniiBelgaraBellexBelmaraBenarBeneraBennusBentixBenziBerakBerasiBerkaidBernardBernayBerryBersallisBersusBestariBetaBeta 6Beta AgniBeta ArantialusBeta ArgothaBeta ArietisBeta AurelonBeta BaraniaBeta BilatusBeta BoraBeta BrenorBeta CabriniBeta CalaraBeta CanzandiaBeta CassiusBeta CepheiBeta ChimeraBeta CorvelaBeta DamoronBeta DeriBeta DraconisBeta EnerasBeta EpsilonBeta FeronisBeta FolorBeta ForminiaBeta GitorBeta GorgoniBeta HaxorBeta HerculaniBeta HeteraBeta HydraBeta Hydra 378Beta HydrosBeta IndiBeta InfiniteBeta IvelaBeta JalonisBeta JolaBeta KentorBeta KodaBeta KonaBeta KrakorBeta KupsicBeta LaerasBeta LeetorBeta LentaBeta Li'odoBeta LoraBeta MagellanBeta MaradaBeta MaradiBeta MariotiaBeta MeraBeta MeranaBeta MinoraBeta MyamidBeta NimaraBeta NiobeBeta NirobiBeta NorabBeta OrigiiBeta OrsilakBeta OrvisBeta PaugdiBeta PentheBeta PortolanBeta PrometheusBeta ProximaBeta QuaternasBeta ReticuliBeta RigalaBeta RigaliaBeta RoxorBeta RunaBeta SargonusBeta SerpentisBeta ScoraataBeta SoraBeta TarsusBeta TriaranBeta Ursae MinorBeta VeldonnaBeta VertisBeta VisaBeta VirgilisBeta XaridianBeta YelaBeta ZetaBeta ZloraBeta'ElanBetazedBethelBetonBetrisius MajorBexemBeyvenBezediBikesBik'vanBilaraBiliuzBimiokBimorBimumBindorBintarBinvekBin'vrakBio'rethBir DaraanBiraBiranBirenBirobBir'tethBiruinBiseraBisiulBisoxBitroxBixiemBletayilB'levBlisnarBlysBoacoBoamBoanaBoggasBokrasiBolari AlphaBolari BetaBolarusBoldasiBoliusBolonaBomelli 709BoquBorBorakaBoreaBorealBorgiaBorigrassBoristarBornarBoron 437BororaBoruBosliaBoteinBovekBoxiezBracasBradleyBral'varaBramonBrandaBraslotaBravanBredaraBre'elBrelgaBrenexBrenottBrentaBrentisBriamosBrijac AlphaBrijac BetaBringloidBrinus ZetaBris'nethBritanniaBriusBrividiBrodarBrol DaraanBronthropBroyanBrun'taraBrutusB'SaariBU1T-61 SingularityBuenoraBularaBulasiBurelaBurran AlphaBurran BetaBurtiraBus'varaBu'uli TevBWCC98Bygoth the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (B) BahamBajorBalancarBalosneeBarkonBarnard's StarBehr'akBeneciaBerengariaBeta 16 CetiBeta AndromedaeBeta AquilaeBeta AurigaeBeta BoötisBeta Canum VenaticorumBeta CetiBeta Comae BerenicesBeta Coronae BorealisBeta CygniBeta DelphiniBeta DraconisBeta HerculisBeta LyraeBeta Maxim 437Beta OphiuchiBeta PerseiBeta Piscis AustralisBeta RennerBeta TauriBeta TrianguliBeta Ursae MajorisB'hava'elB'liiBryma the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (B) Ba'ajaBaldukBaroliaBarradasBeidBelakBellatrixBenzarBeta AntaresBeta Canis MinorisBeta CarinaeBeta CentauriBeta ColumbaeBeta EridaniBeta GeminorumBeta HydriBeta LankalBeta LeonisBeta Leonis MinorisBeta OctantisBeta OrionisBeta PavonisBeta Pavonis JK-838Beta PictorisBeta RigelBeta StromgrenBeta TheseusBeta ThoridorBeta VirginisBeta VolantisBetelgeuseBheaBlack StarB'MothBolarusBoragiBorethBortasBorkaBresharBrestantBuqretBuruk the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.

