- This article is about the Black Star located in Sector 006. You may be looking for the concept of a black star.
The Black Star was an astronomical object located in Sector 006, a star that had collapsed into a unique type of black star variety singularity.
History and specifics[]
Unlike a normal black hole, the Black Star had a particular type of associated subatomic particle field that included a significant chroniton distortion effect. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)
The Black Star presents a potent navigation hazard to starships moving through the Federation. In 2267, the USS Enterprise was caught unawares by the Black Star time-space distortion, and became the first Federation vessel to document a long-range jump of time travel, after the Starfleet crew found their ship stranded in 1969. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Tomorrow is Yesterday)
Study of the Black Star later indicated that the Voyager 6 probe had also been caught in this effect, and sent to the Delta Quadrant, possibly to another point in time. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock; ST novel: The Return)
After the distortion was documented, Starfleet placed Warlock Station in orbit of the Black Star to both study the phenomenon and also to warn passing traffic of the dangerous effects. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)
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