Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A Blood Savage (or simply, a Savage) was a type of Starship used by the Blood Many and in service in the Blood Fleet.(CHA - Gateways novel: Chainmail)


Blood Savages were the Blood Many main spacecraft and were far superior to the smaller Blood Plume.

They had heavier weaponry, stronger shields and a crew of 40, they were comparable in speed and power to a Kauld warship but inferior to a Kauld battlebarge and greatly outmatched by Federation cruisers.(CHA - Gateways novel: Chainmail)

The main body of the ship was cilindrical and it generated gravity by spinning on its axis, this process was necessary for faster than light speeds as without weight they could not use their Dynadrive propulsion. Due to this design the main bridge was distributed on the internal circumference of the ship's interior.(TOS - New Earth novel: Wagon Train to the Stars)



Appearances and references[]
