An untitled film (known and marketed as both Borg Invasion and Borg Invasion 4D, was a short film produced as part of the Star Trek: The Experience exhibit. The film starred Robert Picardo as The Doctor, Kate Mulgrew as Admiral Kathryn Janeway and Alice Krige as the Borg Queen. The attraction utilized live actors, sets, interactive seats and the filmed segment.
A group of people are brought aboard Copernicus Station for study by The Doctor as they have immune systems that may prove unassimilatable by the Borg. A Borg vessel arrives and attacks the station, taking the group, but Kathryn Janeway and the USS Voyager show up and rescue the civilians.
- Borg Queen • The Doctor • Elkins • Fleming • Kathryn Janeway • unnamed Starfleet personnel
Starships and vehicles[]
- unnamed Borg cube • unnamed Nebula-class starship • Olympia • Type-9 shuttlecraft • USS Voyager (Intrepid-class) • workbees
Races and Cultures[]
- Copernicus Station (Base Command • docking bays two and twelve • habitat ring)
- Referenced only
- Delta Quadrant
States and organizations[]
Science and technology[]
- phasers • quantum torpedo • Borg flying drone • transporter • tractor beam • combadge • DNA • nanoprobe • shields • space station • safety goggles • life support
Other references[]
- hull • Project Resistance • proximity alert • red alert • yellow Alert
Cast and crew[]
- Alice Krige as the Borg Queen
External links[]
- Borg Invasion 4D article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Watch a recording of the film on YouTube