The bridge crew of a starship generally consists of the commanding officer and other crewmembers who worked on the bridge. This differed from the senior staff as it did not generally include the chief engineer (who worked in engineering) or the chief medical officer (who worked in sickbay). It also included crewmembers who were not always members of the senior staff, such as the helmsman, the navigator or the flight controller.
- TOS episode: "The Squire of Gothos"
- TOS episode: "The Omega Glory"
- TAS episode: "The Terratin Incident"
- TNG episode: "Hide and Q"
- TNG episode: "Datalore"
- TNG episode: "Coming of Age"
- TNG episode: "Conspiracy"
- TNG episode: "The Measure of a Man"
- TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise"
- TNG episode: "Clues"
- TNG episode: "Night Terrors"
- TNG episode: "Disaster"
- TNG episode: "The Pegasus"
- VOY episode: "Cathexis"
- VOY episode: "Maneuvers"
- VOY episode: "Hunters"
- TOS movie: Star Trek Into Darkness