The CDS Krigar was a Cardassian Union starship, a Keldon-class battleship in the 25th century, in service of the True Way in the 2400s decade. (STO - Cardassian Struggle mission: "Jabberwocky")
History and specifications[]
In the year 2409, the Krigar led a squadron of three Hideki- and one other Keldon-class ships to Bajor to reclaim the Orb of Possibilities from the Alpha Quadrant Alliance vessel that had recovered the orb from a True Way base in the Badlands. Gul Mutak claimed the orb was True Way property. The AQA vessel and the USS Defiant under the command of Lieutenant Commander Sarish Minna destroyed the True Way fleet, including the Krigar. (STO - Cardassian Struggle mission: "Jabberwocky")