Cannibalism is the act of an individual eating the flesh or organs of another of their species.
During the Augments' exile to Ceti Alpha V, Khan Noonien Singh had privately contemplated eating his deceased followers but never followed through on it. When Khan led a party to seek out the planet's last ocean, Keith Talbot perished in a sandstorm. Harulf Ericsson suggested that they consume their fallen comrade only to be harshly rebuked by Khan. (TOS novel: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh)
There were rumours that the Ferengi were cannibals. These rumors may have been based on the appearance of their sharp teeth. (TNG episode: "Encounter at Farpoint", DS9 novelization: Emissary, DS9 - Millennium novel: The Fall of Terok Nor)