A Capellan power-cat.
A Capellan power-cat is a large feline mammalian lifeform native to Capella IV. It was capable of generating electrical discharges of significant voltage.
About the size of an Earth bear, and able to run as fast as a cheetah, the power-cat was described as untamable and the most fierce creature in known space. Its electrical discharges had a range of 20 feet and could exceed 2,000 volts. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)
Power-cats inhabit Capella IV's northern deserts and are noted for being vicious, aggressive carnivores who strongly defend their offspring. Power-cats are smart and elusive. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
Power-cat eyes were split vertically with dark-colored pupils, similar to an Earth lynx. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Seize the Fire)
Capellans called it a lightningbeast. (TOS novel: Seasons of Light and Darkness)
In the 23rd century, Kukulkan captured one as a cub and kept it in his shipboard zoo. Its environment was simulated holographically. (TAS episode & Log Six novelization: How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth, ST reference: StarTrek.com)
On 11 July 2254, a Capellan power-cat attacked Starfleet's team on Capella IV shortly after they beamed down from Yegorov. It leaped from canyon walls and struck Leonard McCoy, leaving him with a nasty electrical jolt and a blow to the head. Security officers Garrett Aylesworth and Aaron Shellenbarger were able to subdue it with their lasers. Doctor Rigby Wieland treated McCoy, inducing a coma for two days to help him recuperate. (TOS novel: Seasons of Light and Darkness)
In 2267, the booming voice of Grigoriy Nemov reminded Aneher II's Daniel Latham of a maddened power-cat. (TOS novel: The Case of the Colonist's Corpse)
In 2269, a landing party from the USS Enterprise freed Kukulkan's captured power-cat, allowing it to wreck havoc in the zoo while they escape. James T. Kirk then injected it with a hypo, getting jolted in the process, in order to tranquilize the animal. (TAS episode & Log Six novelization: How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth)
In 2270, Capellan power-cats seeded by the Providers were seen by the Enterprise crew near a Slaver outpost. (Heritage Models RPG module: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier)
In 2376, while on Deep Space 9, Taran'atar used holosuites for combat training. Kira Nerys believed the Jem'Hadar fought holographic Capellan power-cats. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Three novella: The Dominion: Olympus Descending)
Alternate realities[]
In an alternate timeline beset by the temporal anomaly crisis, Kukulkan was pulled into the late 24th century along with his Capellan power cat. (ST video game: Timelines)
Appearances and references[]
- TAS episode & Log Six novelization: How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
- Heritage Models RPG module: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier
- TOS novel: Seasons of Light and Darkness
- ST video game: Timelines
- FASA RPG module: The Federation
- ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation
- The Complete Star Trek: Animated Adventures Trading Cards, No. 188
- TNG novel: Genesis Force
- TOS novel: The Case of the Colonist's Corpse
- DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Three novella: The Dominion: Olympus Descending
- ST - Typhon Pact novel: Seize the Fire
- ST reference: StarTrek.com
- TAS reference: The Official Guide to The Animated Series
External links[]
- Capellan power-cat article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Capellan power-cat article at ST website: StarTrek.com.
- Capellan power-cat article at Curt Danhauser's Guide to the Animated Star Trek.