Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy was a three-volume treatise written by Karl Marx in the 19th century on the planet Earth.

History and specifics[]

An anti-capitalism work, it promoted the idea of each person working for the good of their civilization. (TOS board game: The Adventure Game)

In one permutation of gameplay, this book was left on Sigma Iotia II instead of Chicago Mobs of the Twenties, leading Chairman Bela Oxmyx to welcome visitors as "fraternal comrades". The book's influence was described as giving the Iotians a peaceful but uninspired culture. Among available responses was for Federation visitors to give them copies of Anarchy, State and Utopia, while Klingon visitors circulated copies of Joy of Cleansing Battle.


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