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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Captain's log of the USS Cerritos were a series of entries made by the Cerritos' captain in 2381.


  • Captain's log, stardate 58001.2.
    Those who spend their lives and fortunes gathering scientific rarities from around the galaxy call themselves "collectors." Now, a prominent collector has died, leaving behind a starship full of hazardous treasures that need to be safely catalogued. The Collector's Guild has asked the Federation for help, so the Cerritos has been tasked with the job.[1]
  • Captain's log, stardate 58036.4.
    The Cerritos is en route to Frylon IV to investigate the reported sighting of a mugato, a dangerous creature not indigenous to this planet.[2]
  • Captain's log, stardate 58053.9.
    The Cerritos is escorting a Doopler emissary to Starbase 25 for trade negotiations. Dooplers are a species which involuntarily duplicate as an emotional defense mechanism. We've been walking on eggshells the entire trip.[3]
  • Captain's log, stardate 58105.1.
    The Pakleds continue their unprovoked attacks on Federation trade routes. Seeking a cease-fire, the Cerritos is on a diplomatic mission to the Pakled homeworld, which they call Pakled Planet. Starfleet entrusted me with this mission because of our experience with the Pakleds last year. Negotiating a cease-fire would be a huge achievement.[4]
  • Captain's log
    the Cerritos is beginning a 12-hour warp, en route to a planetary survey in the Kontaran system. With little to do in this vacant stretch of space, I've approved some R and R for the crew.[5]
  • Captain's log, Supplemental.
    After an anomalous energy reading cut our warp short, we got pulled into an extremely odd altercation. I still don't understand why the Klingons would help the Pakleds… or why they arbitrarily stopped. Starfleet will sort it out, the bigger news is that Mariner and I had some much needed mother/daughter quality time today, and it went great! I need to make an effort to schedule mother/daughter socializing more often. Sure, we pretty much bickered the entire day… but we did it as a family. You know, I think I'll reserve the phaser range for the next warp, you know just so we can both blow off some steam.[6]
  • Captain's log, stardate 58130.6.
    The Cerritos has rendezvoused with the Archimedes, and my old friend, Captain Sonya Gomez, so that we can assist in her first contact of the Lapeerians.[7]


Logs of the USS Cerritos (NCC-75567)
Captain's logs 23802381 Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Personal logs Brad BoimlerSam RutherfordJack RansomBeckett MarinerD'Vana TendiShaxsT'Ana
Other logs Chief medical officer's log First officer's logSecurity log

Notes & Refences[]

External link[]

Captain's log, USS Cerritos, 2381 article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
