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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In 2259, several entries were made on the Captain's log on the USS Enterprise.



  • Captain's log, stardate 2259.42.
    Earth – the dust and the sky – is my hearth. but Enterprise is my home. We can forward together, knowing that whatever shadows we bring with us, they make the light all the brighter. I am… a lucky man. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds")
  • Captain's log, supplemental.
    I am left to wonder… who made the comet? How many more like it are out there? Was it coincidence that fostered the chance for more life on Persephone III? Or something more? (SNW episode: "Children of the Comet")
  • Captain's log, supplemental.
    Enterprise is currently in the center of a gas giant, hiding from an enemy we've never faced before. So far, three civilians and seven of my crew have lost their lives. The battle is far from over, but I am determined to keep everyone else alive. My newest obstacle is the presence of a nearby black hole. (SNW episode: "Memento Mori")
  • Captain's log, supplemental.
    Starfleet has taken the Serene Squall and its colorful crew into custody, although the whereabouts of Captain Angel remain unknown. (SNW episode: "The Serene Squall")
  • Captain's log, stardate 1457.9.
    The Enterprise is on the edge of the Neutral Zone, a narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire from the Federation. A remnant of a treaty of a hundred years ago, when a destructive war was waged between our two cultures. Enterprise and the USS Cayuga are here to help the outposts that guard the Neutral Zone with much needed retrofitting and supplies. (SNW episode: "A Quality of Mercy")


Logs of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
Captain's logs 2246225422582259226422652266226722682269227022732274227522762285 Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Personal logs Captain's personal logChief medical officer's personal logJames T. KirkSpockAdmiral's personal logPhilip BoyceLa'an Noonien-Singh
Other logs First officer's logMedical logShip's logAdmiral's log

External link[]

Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), 2259 article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
