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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In 2276, numerous log entries were made on the Captain's log for the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701).



The Covenant of the Crown[]

  • "Captain's log, Stardate 7816.1. We have completed step one of King Stevvin's plan - the King, his daughter, and their four servants have left Orand on board the Enterprise, as expected by both Star Fleet Command and any Klingon agents who may have been watching. His royal highness has lived long enough to serve as an all-important decoy. The Klingons know the Crown must be retrieved, and they expect us to lead them to its hiding place - but we'll do no such thing. While the Enterprise instead leads them on a circuitous wild goose chase, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy will take a specially outfitted shuttlecraft and accompany the King's daughter to Sigma 1212, the icy world where Stevvin hid his sacred Crown eighteen years ago. If all goes well, the shuttle crew will retrieve the Crown, rendezvous with the Enterprise, and allow us to complete our mission of reunification. I hope King Stevvin can somehow live long enough to see his plan come to a successful end."
Logs of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
Captain's logs 2246225422582259226422652266226722682269227022732274227522762285 Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Personal logs Captain's personal logChief medical officer's personal logJames T. KirkSpockAdmiral's personal logPhilip BoyceLa'an Noonien-Singh
Other logs First officer's logMedical logShip's logAdmiral's log