Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


The Captain Sulu Adventures, released in 1994 and 1995, is a series of audiobooks centred around the USS Excelsior under the command of Hikaru Sulu. Unlike most other Star Trek audiobooks, the three releases in the series were original full-cast audio drama productions featuring George Takei, rather than readings or adaptations of previously published novels. Although Simon and Schuster would later release a version of the soundtrack to the computer game Borg reformatted into an audio drama, as of 2019 the Captain Sulu Adventures stand as the only official attempt at producing an ongoing original audio drama series based upon the franchise.

The Adventures[]

  • Transformations- Synopsis: Starfleet diplomat Captain Hikaru Sulu is transported by powerful, frightening dreams to the desolate desert world of Sigma Cameron IV. It was there, as Commander of the U.S.S. Excelsior 20 years earlier, that he discovered traces of the ancient Shalakai -- a ruthless culture who, legend held, had once uncovered the secret to eternal life. Driven to find that secret, Sulu's brilliant science officer, Commander Flynn Konner, launched a fateful mission whose outcome would forever haunt the Excelsior crew. Now, 20 years later, as the distinguished archeologist Dr. Constance Allenwood moves closer to uncovering the Shalakai's secrets on Sigma Cameron Four, Sulu must race to stop her before she unleashes a disastrous chain of events.
  • Cacophony- Synopsis: On the planet Stentor, silence is not only golden; it is the key to maintaining peace in world devastated by a great war. But that calm is shattered when a group known as the Ghazi create a new technology that intercepts old Earth radio signals and rebroadcasts them across the planet. Each day the din grows more deafening. When Captain Hikaru Sulu and the crew of the U.S.S. Excelsior are summoned to investigate sub-space interference emanating from Stentor, Sulu and his communications officer Terra Spiro discover that the Ghazi actually believe the signals are the voices of the gods, and Sulu must disabuse them of this belief before the noise drives Stentor to war.
  • Envoy- Synopsis: While on the U.S.S. Excelsior, Captain Hikaru Sulu receives top priority orders to proceed by shuttlecraft to Starbase Three. He is to act as the Federation's envoy to a historic peace ceremony between the Krikiki and the Den-Kai -- the two dominant, warring races in that sector. Sulu's role is to hand over a young Krikiki prince to the Den-Kai as a symbol of peace, but once Sulu learns of the physical hardships and isolated life that are to befall the prince, he is faced with one of the most difficult choices of his career: carry out his orders and protect another being's life only to see it taken away, or interfere and risk destroying the fragile peace, and violate the Prime Directive in the process.


Media featuring the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) under Captain Hikaru Sulu
episodes/movies The Undiscovered CountryFlashback
novels The Undiscovered CountryThe Fearful SummonsThe Captain's DaughterThe Ashes of EdenStarfleet AcademyThe Captain's Table: War DragonsThe Lost Era: The SunderedExcelsior: Forged in FireFlashbackThe Lost Era: One Constant StarBurning Dreams
short stories "Dilithium Is a Girl's Best Friend"
comics Tests of Courage (The Tabukan Syndrome)A Wolf in Cheap Clothing (1234) • Captain's Log: SuluThe Undiscovered CountryThe Veteran
Captain Sulu Adventures
games Shattered Universe
characters Hikaru SuluPavel ChekovJanice RandDmitri ValtaneLeonard James AkaarLojurTuvokAltos Viger